Pozývame na medzinárodnú konferenciu „Johan Huizinga and Central/East-Central Europe“, ktorú organizuje Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV v spolupráci s Veľvyslanectvom Holandského kráľovstva na Slovensku a Goetheho inštitútom.
KEDY: štvrtok 24. a piatok 25. novembra 2016
KDE: Goetheho inštitút, Panenská 33, Bratislava
JAZYKY: nemčina a angličtina
24th November 2016 (Thursday)
9.30 Opening by Richard van Rijssen, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Slovakia
9.45 Anton van der Lem (Leiden): Johan Huizinga and Europe
10.15 Wessel Krul (Groningen): Johan Huizinga on historical change
10.45 Annette Wunschel (Wien/Berlin): Mitteleuropa im Briefwechsel von J. Huizinga
Discussion, lunch
13.30 Thomas Macho (Wien): Huizingas Wien
14.00 Christian Krumm (Duisburg-Essen): Too close to be wrong. Too different to be accepted – Johan Huizinga and German science illustrated by the example of Oswald Spengler
Discussion, coffee break
15.00 Willem Otterspeer (Leiden): Johan Huizinga and Leo Spitzer: the notion of Stimmung revisited
15.30 Ivan Gerát (Bratislava): Johan Huizinga and Max Dvořák – key concepts of image interpretation around 1918
25th November 2016 (Friday)
9.30 Geertjan de Vugt (Amsterdam): Ludic warfare: Huizinga’s Auseinandersetzung with Carl Schmitt
10.00 Léon Hanssen (Tilburg): Johan Huizinga and Georg Lukács
11.00 Olga Sidorova (Ekaterinburg): Johan Huizinga and Yuri Lotman: typological convergence of ideas and approaches
11.30 Halina Mielicka-Pawłowska (Kielce): Entertainment in communist and postcommunist Poland
Discussion, lunch
13.30 Tamás Balogh (Budapest): “Cséˮ about “Eˮ
14.00 Wilken Engelbrecht (Olomouc): Johan Huizinga in Czechia
14.30 Adam Bžoch (Bratislava): Johan Huizinga in Slovakia
Discussion and closing statement
Huizinga Conference Programme (pdf)