Ľudia – Projekty


Dohoda o spolupráci medzi Slovanským ústavom AV ČR a Ústavom svetovej literatúry SAV
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2011 - 31.12.2013


Hyperlexikón - Interaktívny hypertextový lexikón literárnej vedy s korpusom kľúčových literárnovedných textov
Interactive hypertext lexicon of literary studies with a corpus of key literary studies texts
Program: SRDA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Mgr. Mikuláš Roman, PhD.
Anotácia: The main aim of the project is the creation of an interactive lexicon of literary studies terms in hypertext formattogether with a corpus of texts from the said field. The project follows up on the work on the electronic Hyperlexiconof Concepts and Categories in Literary Studies which was created in two VEGA research projects. The updatedand expanded Hyperlexicon will adopt new content-related and functional elements. In terms of function, the workwill be more interactive and open; in terms of content, the Hyperlexicon will now include important texts which intheir time helped spearhead new modes of thinking or even whole new paradigms. However, the hypertextuality ofthe lexicon will still be retained. The experts who will author the new entries will not only summarize the currentbody of knowledge but also conduct their own research and other related publication activities in accordance withthe aims of the project to provide even more up to date findings on the subject matter. We are convinced that sucha broad and synthesizing collaborative endeavor must be rooted in basic research. As of today, Slovak literaryscholars do not have access to a dictionary that would summarize the state of the art knowledge in the field in abroad manner and across individual philological specialization and would be fully available to them online.
Doba trvania: 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025
Reflexia ruského formalizmu v slovenských prekladoch a literárnovedných prácach Mikuláša Bakoša (metodológia, terminológia, recepcia).
Reflections on Russian Formalism in Slovak Translations and Literary Studies by Mikuláš Bakoš (Methodology, Terminology, Reception)
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: doc. PhDr. Pašteková Soňa, CSc.
Anotácia: Proposed project focuses on the theoretical and translatological reflection of the methodology concepts of Russian formalism in the works of a Slovak literary scientist of the last century, M. Bakoš (1914-1972). As an interdisciplinary humanities researcher (founder of the Society for Scientific Synthesis, 1937) and translator of scientific texts, he responded to the impulses of the formalism accentuating the literary science terminology. He directed his interests towards the increasing rigor of Slovak scientific thinking, towards defining the subject of literary science, and towards refining the literary science terminology and categories. He contributed significantly to the higher quality of the reception of World literature in Slovak scientific space. In the very center of attention of today’s literary science, therefore, appear reflections of Bakoš’ scientific thinking, his contribution to literary science as a whole and to world literature studies in the Slovak context, and the Russian literatur studies.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2020 - 31.12.2022
Hyperlexikón literárnovedných pojmov a kategórií II
Hyperlexicon of Concepts and Categories in Literary Studies II
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Mgr. Mikuláš Roman, PhD.
Anotácia: This project is the continuation of an existing project bearing the same name. Its chief objective was, and still is, the creation of a lexicon of literary studies in hypertext medium. The hyperlexicon contains terms describing aspects of literary texts and also concepts that belong to the literary meta-discussion. The necessity to continue with the project and fulfill its objectives are due to the fact that the conclusions of the discussions in the ongoing project infer high degrees of complexity and, simultaneously, the difficulty of the problem of orientation within the language of literary studies in various areas of research traditions. Yet another motivation for the continuation of the project resides in the great dynamics of transformation of knowledge between disciplines (in recent times increasingly among the natural, technological and human sciences), however always wanting to benefit from the anticipation of trends in the field of meta-theory or methodology.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2019
Preklad ako súčasť dejín kultúrneho priestoru II
Translation as a Part of the Cultural Space History II. Fact, Phenomena and Personalities in Translation Activities in the Slovak Cultural Space and the Forms of their Functioning
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc.
Anotácia: Translation as a Part of the Cultural Space History II. Fact, Phenomena and Personalities in Translation Activities in the Slovak Cultural Space and the Forms of their Funcioning represents further and systematic long-term literary, cultural and historical research of translation in Slovakia. In European context, the perception of translation as a part of the history of the given cultural space has won wider recognition only in the recent years. The project is unique due to its potential of creation a synergic effect of the cultural, literary and historical, and, at the same time, generalizing theoretical thinking on translation. This combined approach to the basic source and material research and application of the resultind theoretical concepts thanks to the participation of relevant Slovak translatological institutions assumes a background for a systematic research of the "fate" of translation in the Slovak cultural space.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2018
Hyperlexikón literárnovedných pojmov a kategórií
Hyperlexicon of Concepts and Categories in Literary Studies
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Mgr. Mikuláš Roman, PhD.
Anotácia: Project´s aim is to create a lexicon of concepts and categories in literary studies in the hypertext medium. A need to clarify the language of literary studies is significant due to the interdisciplinary transfomations in the system of literary studies resulting in the growing complexity of knowledge in the field of literary studies. Based on the contemporary discussions at domestic and foreign literary research institutes, we can deduce a high degree of importance in the problematics of clarification of the language of literary studies. This condition is on the one hand a result of dynamic transformations of knowledge among scholarly disciplines in favour of the creation and consolidation of their identities and on the other hand a result of the contemporary process of democratisation of the scholarly knowledge. The project outlines, concretized mainly in the hyperlexicon entries, will be grounded in the interpretation of the problem itself and will have a character of the „primary research“.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2013 - 31.12.2015
Preklad ako súčasť dejín kultúrneho priestoru
Translation as a Part of the Cultural Space History
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc.
Anotácia: The project Translation as a Part of the Cultural Space History represents continuous and systematic literary, cultural and historical research of translation in Slovakia that has been started several years ago. In broader European context, a definition of translation and its history as a part of history of particular cultural space was created no sooner than several years ago (France, Bulgaria, etc.). This project is exceptional mainly (due to the direct involvement of several foremost Slovak translatologists) for its ability to create a synergistic effect (cultural, literary and historical) and at the same time generalized theoretical thinking on translation which seems to be a crucial and necessary factor especially if translation is understood to be a part of history of Slovak cultural territory.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2011 - 31.12.2014
Dejiny ruskej literatúry
History of the Russian Literature
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: doc. PhDr. Pašteková Soňa, CSc.
Anotácia: The project History of Russian Literature is methodologically based on the results achieved in the previous successful project of the same research team Russian Literature of the 11th - 20th Centuries (Literary Life, Literary Process). Its main objective was to publish The Dictionary of Russian Literature. In order to write the first complete Slovak history of Russian Literature the project will draw upon the knowledge and experience gained from the work on the dictionary. Alongside with the factographic material it will reflect the contemporary methodological principles of literary historiography as well as the reception context of Slovak and Central-European literature and culture.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2011 - 31.12.2013
Text na internete ako jav (r)evolúcie kultúry
Text on the Internet as the Phenomenon of (r)evolution of Culture
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Mgr. Suwara Bogumiła, PhD.
Anotácia: The proposal of the grant project Text on the Internet as the Phenomenon of (r)evolution of Culture is planned as the sequel of the grant assignment Literature in Cyberspace (2/7090/07). Its task will be besides studying the manifestation of the democratization of the literary expression, reception and criticism also dealing with the questions of hypertextuality of culture, intermedial transport of various text types (blogs, literary web sites, internet forums and their alternative voice). Apart from the perspective of McLuhan\'s notion of the medium created message, the grant project will consider the problems regarding the way the internet medium excesses the message (information) in the traditional sense and supplements it with new aspects: interactivity, contextuality, immersion, etc. A question regarding the historical perspective appears in this context: are we dealing with the evolutionary or revolutionary change in the culture?Scientific goals1. The examination of the process of penetration of the voices of professional criticism on the website of literary works and democratization of the literary communication, or medial hybrids (texts in other media). 2. The analysis of blogs (linked internet pages) as the display of contemporary hypertext cultural form.3. The analysis of media consciousness of the print literature authors. 4. The examination of the question, to what extent the virtual reality can be understood as the new but evolutionary legitimate immersive art space, or to what extent it is just the other example of the cultural genealogy (analogy, proximity, convergence, adaptation...), or the possibility of the application of the chaos theory principles on the process of literary creation. Above that it seems, that the term immersion is the effort of the description of the “verisimilitude”/”conditions” - Popper) of the technologically new, virtual environment, characteristic by a specific type of the interaction among various worlds. (Are they Popper\'s worlds? Is it the biological world versus the artificial world?).
Doba trvania: 1.1.2010 - 12.12.2013
Preklad, dejiny, kultúra. Status prekladu, transformácie jeho podôb a vedeckej reflexie v čase
Translation, History, Culture. Translation Status, Transformations of its Forms and Scientific Reflection in Time
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc.
Anotácia: The “Translation, History, Culture” project. Translation status, transformations of its forms and scientific reflectionin time represents a continuation of literary and cultural-historical research in the field o translation studies inSlovakia, which is exceptional by its scope also within the Central European context. By means ofcultural-historical and theoretical reflection of the examined cultural and scientific experience, it focuses ondescription, analysis, and interpretation of literary translation and reception.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2008 - 31.12.2010
Literatúra v kyberpriestore
Literature in cyberspace
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Mgr. Suwara Bogumiła, PhD.
Anotácia: Cyberspace is understood here as a space for functioning of virtual, multicultural and literary communication. Producing texts (also literary) in cyberspace forces to reassess the notion of communication - comunicare, namely in the meaning of: allow participation, offer, unite; as well as: electronic dispersion of information. It is needed to direct the study of literature, as a major form of communication (we suppose that it is so also in cyberspace), towards searching for relations and concerns the e-texts are accompanied with. Reading (lecture) is perceived as a non-unidirectional process, in which reading is blending with writing. The project Literature in Cyberspace aims to study thoroughly ontological, epistemological and aesthetic relations decisive for the participation of the reader on the creation of the story (creative writing, plays, random choice, computer programme) in an open, multi-ply and even transient (non-lasting) text spread by means of electronic canal.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2007 - 31.12.2009