Staff – Projects


Dohoda o akademickej spolupráci medzi Fakultou literatúry a žurnalistiky Sečuánskej univerzity a Ústavu svetovej literatúry SAV na roky 2024 a 2029
Academic Cooperation Agreement between the College of Literature and Journalism of Sichuan University and the Institute of World Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for the years 2024 to 2029
Program: Inter-institute agreement
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Gáfrik Róbert, PhD.
Duration: 11.9.2024 - 31.12.2029
ESIND - Európske reprezentácie Indie: texty, obrazy a stretnutia
Europe\'s Representations of India: Texts, Images, and Encounters
Program: COST
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Gáfrik Róbert, PhD.
Duration: 9.10.2024 - 8.10.2028
Maďarská literárna kultúra z transkultúrnej perspektívy
Hungarian Literary Culture in Transcultural Perspective
Program: Multilateral - other
Project leader: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Annotation: The scope of the project is the research of the Hungarian literary history from the transcultural perspective. The project output - handbook Hungarian Literary Culture(s) in Transcultural Perspective, An Introduction addresses specialist and non-specialist readership mainly outside of Hungary and therefore will be published in different East-Central European languages. This book conceptually and methodically goes beyond the frames of what is known as literary history. It presents a chronological overview of the aesthetical, institutional, medial and social history of Hungarian literature, to which complementary thematical and poetical approaches are added that overarch and complete the description. In the research are involved experts on Hungarian Literature from various European countries.
Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2025
Zmluva o priamej vedeckej spolupráci medzi Ústavom svetovej literatúry SAV Bratislava a Ústavom poľskej literatúry Varšavskej univerzity vo Varšave
Program: Inter-institute agreement
Project leader: Mgr. Suwara Bogumiła, PhD.
Duration: 15.5.2020 - 31.12.2025
Maďarská a slovenská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kultúrnom priestore 5. – "Svetová literatúra" z perspektívy "malých literatúr"
Hungarian and Slovak Literature in the Central European Cultural Space 5. – \'World Literature\' from the perspective of \'small literatures\'
Program: Mobility
Project leader: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Annotation: Following the leading trends of scholarship in comparative literature, our fifth consecutive project aims to situate Hungarian and Slovak literature within the context of ‘world literature’. The main purpose of the project is to examine the connections and possible contexts of ‘world literature’ and small national literatures from the viewpoint of cultural transfer, taking the new forms of relationships created by globalization into account.
Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2024
Zmluva o priamej vedeckej spolupráci medzi Slovanským ústavom AV ČR a Ústavom svetovej literatúry SAV
Program: Inter-institute agreement
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Jambor Ján, PhD.
Duration: 2.6.2021 - 31.12.2024
Maďarská a slovenská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kultúrnom priestore 4. - Poetologické, filologické, recepčné otázky formovania textu
Hungarian and Slovak literatures in Central European cultural space 4.— Poetological, philological, reception questions of text formation
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Annotation: The project is a continuation of the current research themes. At the centre of this research has been communication between cultures, especially the questions of literary translation and translation reception. In the period 2019-2021 we want to focus on the specifics of text formation on the basis of poetological, philological and narrative approaches; also we would like to test the applicability of postcolonial theory in the context of these literatures.
Duration: 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2022
Dohoda o medzinárodnej vedeckej spolupráci medzi ÚSvL SAV a Ústavom slavistiky Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity v Kolíne nad Rýnom
International Academic Cooperation Agreement
Program: Inter-institute agreement
Project leader: doc. PhDr. Žitný Milan, CSc.
Annotation: The cooperation agreement between the two institutions pertains to research projects on Slavic literatures in the European context. It is realized by means of common academic events, publications, researcher stays and guest lectures.
Duration: 17.10.2006 - 31.12.2018
Slovenská a maďarská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kultúrnom priestore 3. – Špecifické národné literárne javy v 20. a 21. storočí, vzájomný transfer literatúry
Hungarian and Slovak literatures in Central European cultural space 3. – Specific national literary phenomena in the 20th and 21st century – mutual literary transfer
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Annotation: The project planned for 2016-2018 ties into the research topic of the previous two periods of collaboration oriented towards the study of Hungarian and Slovak literature within the larger context of Central Europe. Using the methods of comparative literature studies, it focuses on selected phenomena of the two national literatures of the 20th and 21st century and the issues of their transfer into the other culture. The project’s aim is to deepen our understanding of the parallels and specifics of these two literatures, their typological connections and a research of cultural relationships on the basis of the theory and methodology of cultural transfer.
Duration: 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2018
Dohoda o medzinárodnej vedeckej spolupráci medzi ÚSvL SAV a Ústavom slavistiky Filozofickej fakulty Masarykovej univerzity v Brne
International Academic Cooperation Agreement
Program: Inter-institute agreement
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Bátorová Mária, DrSc.
Annotation: The academic cooperation between IWL SAS and the Slavic Institute of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, focuses on comparative literary studies and the research in Russian studies in the Central-European region. It is realized by means of common academic events, and by the participation of researchers and doctoral students in the partner’s academic activities (guest lectures, conferences, academic publications).
Duration: 30.10.2008 - 29.10.2018
Literárna komunikácia v kontexte digitálnej, resp postdigitálnej kultúry - Literatúra v technologických a mediálnych súvislostiach
Literary communication in the context of digital or postdigital culture - Literature in the context of technology and the media
Program: Inter-institute agreement
Project leader: Mgr. Suwara Bogumiła, PhD.
Annotation: Within the scope of this agreement, both parties will conduct research on the following: Literary communication in the context of digital or postdigital culture; Literature in the context of technology and the media. Parties will also promote active involvement of young researchers. Each party is responsible for adhering to the plan and it pledges to create appropriate research environment in the form of research stays taking place every year.
Duration: 1.4.2014 - 31.12.2017
Maďarská a slovenská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kultúrnom priestore 2. - Podoby modernizmu a postmodernizmu
Hungarian and Slovak literature in the Central European cultural space 2. – Forms of literary modernism and postmodernism
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Annotation: The project builds upon the research topic from the previous collaborative project and focuses on another group of regional literary issues. Using a comparative method, it focuses on modernism, i.e. the issues defining the culture of 20th century Central Europe, and postmodernism as a movement that closes modernism (or contradicts it, as some claim). The eventual goal is to produce a regional literary-historical overview (with participation of other research centres, including those from third countries) that will consist of the partial studies of this project.
Duration: 1.1.2013 - 31.12.2015
Konštruovanie národnej/kultúrnej identity v Strednej Európe. Postmoderný a postkoloniálny pohľad
Constructing National/Cultural Identities in Central Europe—Postmodern and Postcolonial Perspectives
Program: International Visegrad Fund (IVF)
Project leader: Dr. Pucherová Dobrota, D.Phil., Privatdoz.
Annotation: The project explores the transformations in the construction of cultural, national and regional identities in Central and Eastern Europe after 1945. These identities were deformed as a result of totalitarian regimes and after 1989 we observe their reassessment/reconstruction in public discourse, as well as in literature. The project will consist of two conferences and preparation of the publication of the conference proceedings, which will be published after the project has ended.
Project webpage:
Duration: 4.2.2014 - 14.10.2014
Dohoda o spolupráci medzi Slovanským ústavom AV ČR a Ústavom svetovej literatúry SAV
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2011 - 31.12.2013
Maďarská a slovenská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kultúrnom priestore
Hungarian and Slovak literatures in Central European Cultural Space
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2010 - 31.12.2012
Teoretické aspekty skúmania literárnych procesov na prelome 20. a 21.storočia
Theoretical aspects of the research of literary processes at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Mgr. Maliti Eva, CSc.
Annotation: The project focuses on the research of the contemporary literary processes from the theoretical viewpoint. It is realized by means of consulting on the topic, an academic conference and an academic publication.
Duration: 10.9.2008 - 9.9.2011
Stredoeurópsky kontext tvorby Pétera Nádasa
Central European Context of the Work of Péter Nádas
Program: International Visegrad Fund (IVF)
Project leader: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Annotation: Péter Nádas is in contemporary world literature perceived as not only a representative of Hungarian but also of Central European literature. The aim of the project is to explore – based on translations – within an international scientific conference, how the work of Nádas is received in Central European literatures, if at all, and how its Central-Europeanness is perceived from the view “from within”, what stimuli it offers for other central European literatures.
Duration: 1.12.2009 - 31.5.2010
Dohoda o medzinárodnej vedeckej spolupráci
International Academic Cooperation Agreement
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Annotation: The international cooperation focuses on literary theory, theory of literary historiography, and on the research of the reception of modern and post-modern literature. It is realized by means of research stays, common academic events and academic publications, and the participation of researchers on the projects of the partner’s institution.
Duration: 1.1.2007 - 31.12.2009
Recepcia ruskej poézie v európskom kontexte
Reception of Russian Poetry in European Context
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc.
Annotation: The project focuses on the research of Russian literature in the European context. It is realized by means of common academic workshops, research stays, and the exchange of periodic and non-periodic publications.
Duration: 1.1.2006 - 31.12.2009
Dohoda o medzinárodnej vedeckej spolupráci – založenie Centra Valónsko-Brusel
International Academic Cooperation Agreement - Establishment of the Centre Wallonia-Brussels
Program: Multilateral - other
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Bednárová Katarína, CSc.
Annotation: The university centre Wallonia-Brussels established in Bratislava fosters pedagogical, academic and cultural activities with the view of reciprocity in areas like history, history of art, literature, theory of literature, francophone literature in Belgium, translation theory, linguistics, and others. It is realized by means of guest lectures and lectures cycles, conferences, courses, and the support of publication activities on the topics.
Duration: 22.11.2006 - 21.11.2009
Poľsko, Česko a Slovensko – Kultúrne pokusy v oblasti filmu a divadla
Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia - Cultural ventures in the field of film and theatre
Program: International Visegrad Fund (IVF)
Project leader: Mgr. Suwara Bogumiła, PhD.
Duration: 1.10.2007 - 31.7.2008
Hrdina: centrá a stopy kultúrnej pamäti
Hero: Centers and Traces of Cultural Memory
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Prof., PhDr. Koprda Pavol, CSc.
Annotation: no description
Duration: 1.1.2005 - 31.12.2007
Ratio studiorum and its 17th and 18th century conceptions in Italy and in Europa. Vico and De nostri temporibus studiorum ratione
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Prof., PhDr. Koprda Pavol, CSc.
Annotation: no description
Duration: 1.1.2004 - 31.12.2006
Ruská poézia v 20. storočí
Russian Poetry in 20th Century
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc.
Annotation: no description
Duration: 1.1.2004 - 31.12.2006
Teória prekladu, recepcie modernej a postmodernej literatúry a výskum súčasnej literatúry a jej trendov
Theory of Translation, Reception of modern and postmodern Literatures, Study of Contemporary Literatures and Trends
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Annotation: no description
Duration: 1.1.2004 - 31.12.2006


Biopolitický obrat k posthumánnej politike života
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Suwara Bogumiła, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2025 - 31.12.2028
LANGUAGECONTACTL - Preklad a transfer štýlu naprieč jazykmi: k teórii jazykového kontaktu v literatúre
Translation and cross-lingual stylistic transfer: Towards a theory of language contact in literature
Program: IMPULZ
Project leader: Kelbert Rudan Eugenia, PhD
Annotation: Language boundaries are not transparent; recent advances from translation to psycholinguistics make it clear that they cannot be crossed without sacrifice and a complex negotiation of gains. A growing body of research on literary multilingualism, including my prize-winning doctoral thesis, show that moving a text, or indeed an author, into a different language leads to shifts in semantic, emotional and stylistic emphases. However, unlike the transfer of meaning (the initial impetus for the hugely successful discipline of translation studies), the transfer of style in language contact settings has received little critical attention. To change this status quo is to take issue with comparing in comparative literature. Rather as translation was ‘noticed’ in the 1960s, it is time to notice the patterns, losses and gains whereby stylistic features are re-created between languages as a decisive step towards a comprehensive theory of language contact in literature. My goal is to tackle cross-lingual stylistic transfer as a methodological challenge shared by several fields but largely unacknowledged outside translation studies. This project consequently reframes literary translation as the best understood among several distinct kinds of language contact reliant on cross-lingual stylistics. Hence the twofold structure of this project: from exploring the relationship between the translated text and the original text to an alternative paradigm for the study of literary language contact explored through case studies in areas such as translation, self-translation, influence, multilingualism and international literary movements.
Duration: 1.11.2023 - 31.10.2028
Preklad a prekladanie v dejinách a súčasnosti slovenského kultúrneho priestoru. Premeny podôb, statusu a funkcií: texty, osobnosti, inštitúcie .
Translation and translating in the history and present of the Slovak cultural space. Transformations of forms, status and functions: texts, personalities, institutions.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc.
Annotation: The project continues the tradition of translatological research that has contributed to the creation of a real Slovak translatological community over the last twenty years. The direction of the interdisciplinary translatological discourse will go (in the sense of current tendencies in thinking about translation) also into the context of reflections on world literature, as well as into the expansion of knowledge in confrontation or synergy with the discourses of other humanities (philosophy, history of culture, sociology, "oral history"), but also natural sciences (human geography, interpretive statistics, ecology, etc.). The object of research should be a) interpretations of translations and receptions of literary texts in Slovak cultural space (forming the canon?), but also b) of culturally significant various, e.g. also educational, pragmatic, audiovisual, or popular culture texts or sacred texts. The scholarly outputs of the project will be monothematic issues of WLS, as well as personal monographic nature.
Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Slovenská literatúra v medziliterárnych a transkultúrnych súvislostiach
Slovak literature in inter-literary and transcultural contexts
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Dr. Pucherová Dobrota, D.Phil., Privatdoz.
Annotation: The project proposes to consider selected works of Slovak literature through the lens of theories of world literature. Through such re-reading of selected works of the accepted Slovak canon, but also those that are not yet part of it, we will analyze how this kind of thinking contributes to the ideas of world literature, the canon, „minor“ and „major“ literatures, the relations between the local and global, the centre and periphery, the national and postnational; and whether it has a potential to alter the history of the development of Slovak literature in any way. Our investigations will be based on various criteria: textual elements, such as genetic relations or typological analogies (thematic, stylistic, generic, ideological, etc.); intertextual and transcultural phenomena (e.g., synchronicity); or extra-textual determinants (the reception of Slovak literature in translation), according to which it is possible to perceive certain works as part of wider inter-literary communities or indeed world literature.
Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Prekusvet - Preklad a aspekty recepcie spoločenskovedných a humanitnovedných textov ako kultúrny a literárny transfer v 20. storočí
Translation and aspects of reception of social science and humanities texts as cultural and literary transfer in the 20th century
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Bednárová Katarína, CSc.
Annotation: The primarily literary studies and translation studies focused project will explore ways and means of disseminating scientific knowledge, research results, theories and concepts in the social sciences and humanities, such as philosophy, literary science and its borderline and interdisciplinary overlaps (literary essay, translation studies, theory, and art history), in broader cultural and sociological contexts through translations (from English, French, German, Russian and partly from Polish, Spanish and Italian) and their reflection in the Slovak cultural space in the 20th century. It will try to answer the question to what extent the social and scientific valorization of circulating translation texts was / is present in the receiving (Slovak) scientific and socio-cultural environment, to what extent translations saturated the social demand in the 20th century, and whether and how they contributed to the development of individual researched disciplines (to their enrichment, innovation, reception), or, alternatively, what role the fact of non-translation or translation of irrelevant texts or the fact, of erroneous / poor / incompetent / translation played. The project will examine the conditions for translations in the historical context as well as the status, function, and roles of translators as mediators, the institutional background and the functions of translations in the wider literary transfer framework with the aim of creating a more comprehensive picture of this type of translation as a scientific and creative activity. The material (social sciences and humanities translations) will be strictly selective, and the project has no ambition to cover all thematic and linguistic areas.
Duration: 1.7.2022 - 30.6.2026
Literatúra v bioetike a bioetika v literatúre
literature in bioethics and bioethics in literature
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Suwara Bogumiła, PhD.
Annotation: The project “Literature in bioethics and bioethics in literature” is inspired by the concept of interdiscursive relations of elaborated by leading French linguist D. Maingueneau (2004), and the concept of narrative bioethics (H. Dubiel 2011). The object of research within the presented project is the analysis of the relations between literary (media) and bioethical (philosophical) discourse. The aim of the project is to shift the boundaries of the analysis of interdiscursive communication between literature (in a boarder sense) and bioethics from the traditional depiction analysis of doctor-patient relationship in the literature towards the so-called humanistic turn in bioethics. From a methodological point of view it means that literature and art create a space for enriching a narrowly rationalist ethical discourse with humanistic, philosophical, and psychological aspects, including a phenomenological and hermeneutic approach to applied ethics, especially bioethics.
Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
WORLDGOVERNMENT - Svetová vláda: Veľké naratívy v súčasnej vedecko-fantastickej literatúre
World Government: Grand Narratives in Contemporary Science-Fiction
Program: SASPRO
Project leader: Kaminski Johannes, PhD.
Duration: 1.11.2021 - 30.9.2025
Hyperlexikón - Interaktívny hypertextový lexikón literárnej vedy s korpusom kľúčových literárnovedných textov
Interactive hypertext lexicon of literary studies with a corpus of key literary studies texts
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Mikuláš Roman, PhD.
Annotation: The main aim of the project is the creation of an interactive lexicon of literary studies terms in hypertext formattogether with a corpus of texts from the said field. The project follows up on the work on the electronic Hyperlexiconof Concepts and Categories in Literary Studies which was created in two VEGA research projects. The updatedand expanded Hyperlexicon will adopt new content-related and functional elements. In terms of function, the workwill be more interactive and open; in terms of content, the Hyperlexicon will now include important texts which intheir time helped spearhead new modes of thinking or even whole new paradigms. However, the hypertextuality ofthe lexicon will still be retained. The experts who will author the new entries will not only summarize the currentbody of knowledge but also conduct their own research and other related publication activities in accordance withthe aims of the project to provide even more up to date findings on the subject matter. We are convinced that sucha broad and synthesizing collaborative endeavor must be rooted in basic research. As of today, Slovak literaryscholars do not have access to a dictionary that would summarize the state of the art knowledge in the field in abroad manner and across individual philological specialization and would be fully available to them online.
Duration: 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025
Literárny transfer, translácia a transnacionálne literárne javy v slovensko-maďarskom kultúrnom priestore
Literary transfer, translation and transnational literary phenomena in the Slovak-Hungarian cultural space
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Annotation: Slovak-Hungarian literary contacts have always been a subject of research in Slovak comparative literature and translation studies. Yet, there is a sizeable amount of new literary phenomena that has not yet been systematically addressed. In addition to this, some traditional ways of understanding the aforementioned contacts could be revised in light of more recent theoretical and methodological insights. The research project conducted by a group of Hungarian studies scholars intends to address phenomena associated with literary transfer, translation and overlap of Slovak and Hungarian cultural spaces with regard to aspects of transnational literary studies and with a special focus on theory of cultural transfer.
Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Interdiskurzívne konštruovanie reality v literatúre
The Interdiscursive Construction of Reality in Literature
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Mikuláš Roman, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on ways of exploring literature as an interdiscourse from a theoretical literary perspective. The research team will focus on the analysis of the potential of literary studies to describe literature as a phenomenon of interdiscourses, i.e. mutual communication and interrelation of the system of literature with other systems at various levels within the preconceived framework of interaction. These other systems constitute specific discourses (such as those of philosophy, mathematics, physics, biology, cognitive sciences, medicine, information technology and many others), producing knowledge that is communicated both within its original discourses and outside these discourses, either within the scientific system (interdisciplinary approach) or across various social systems via interdiscourses (such as literature, art, journalism and politics).
Duration: 1.1.2020 - 31.12.2023
Poetika hlavných upanišád
The Poetics of the Principal Upanishads
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Gáfrik Róbert, PhD.
Annotation: The Upanishads are some of the most important ancient Indian texts and the oldest philosophical works in human history. The attention of researchers is mainly focused on their philosophical content and textual criticism. The aim of the project is to analyze the main Upanishads from a poetological point of view and to explore how contemporary literary theories of ambiguity can contribute to understanding the diversity of their interpretations, ranging from monism to dualism. The main output of the project will be a commented Slovak translation of the Upanishads, which will be based on explicit knowledge of their poetics.
Duration: 1.1.2020 - 31.12.2023
MULTITRANSPOSTHU - Analýza multidimenzionálnej podoby trans- a post-humanizmu
Analysis of the multidimensional character of trans- and posthumanism
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Suwara Bogumiła, PhD.
Annotation: The main objective of the project is a multidimensional transdisciplinary research of mutual dynamic relationshipsrelated to the issue of human gene editing and posthumanism in five research domains: biology-biotechnology,philosophical reflection, (bio)ethical reflection, biopolitical analysis and democratization of science, art andculture. In particular, the project focuses on a philosophical reflection of the concept of trans- and posthumanismwith an emphasis on human germline cells genome editing in relation to human nature, genetic determinism andaesthetic transformation of the human body. The issue of a transformation of the human biological species(homo sapiens) is analyzed in the context of the conflicts between a realis and social-constructivistunderstanding of biological categorization. At the level of bioethical and biopolitical reflection, the projectanalyzes the impact of trans- and posthumanist modification of the human genome on the society, its politicalinstitutions and regulatory abilities, the process of science democratization and the phenomenon of biohacking.At the cultural and artistic level, the project focuses on the analysis of artistic portrayal of trans- andposthumanism in dystopian literary, new media, film and television works. This also includes an analysis of themetaphorical language of molecular geneticists recently represented by the term "gene editing".
Duration: 1.8.2018 - 31.3.2023
Konverzácia a európska literatúra
Conversation and European Literature
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. Mgr. Bžoch Adam, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project is cultural historical research of the conversation in European literatures from the Early Modernity till the XXth century (Italian, French, English, German, Dutch, Slavonic literatures). By comparative analysis of the images of non-formal communication, the project targets on evaluation of conversations in novels and other fictional and factual literary genres (drama, autobiography, memoirs) as civilisatory factors which stimulate erudition, urbanity, politeness, gender adequate communication and empathy, and helps to polish language and style, developes tolerance and ethical norms across epoches and cultures. These qualities, recorded in literary dialogues, conversational plays, memoirs and autobiographies, but also manuals of rethoric and stylistics, are transfered in literary communication across cultures and stabilize norms of civilisation. The main output will be a monograph on history of conversation in European literatures.
Duration: 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2022
Literárny/umelecký artefakt a jeho kontexty (Komparatistika a sociálne vedy)
Literary/artistic artefact and its contexts (Comparative literature and social sciences)
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Bátorová Mária, DrSc.
Annotation: The project deals with the conceptualization of new approaches to analyses of literary work and its contextes and subsequently processes, where it plays the main part. Their identifrication is complicated in theory, consisting of multiple approaches of various disciplines, in this case chiefly the sociology. The well established paradigm of creative-artistic process: author, text, reader - is completed by context survey of each of mentioned components. The project aims to build a new methodology and theory of contextes, as well as the incorporation of the concept of the author as a main part of the complex approach to literary work, where each aspect has its fundamental role.
Duration: 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2022
Preklad ako súčasť dejín kultúrneho procesu III. Preklad a prekladanie – texty, osobnosti, inštitúcie v interdisciplinárnych a transdisciplinárnych vzťahoch
Translation as part of the cultural process history III. Translation and translating – texts, personalities, institutions in inter- and transdisciplinary relations
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc.
Annotation: The aims of this inter- and even transdisciplinary project reflect the current developments in translation studies and issues in world literature and comparative literature. Moreover, the project has been designed to connect these discourses to what is currently going on in other fields of the humanities (philosophy, cultural history, sociology, oral history, etc.) and natural sciences (human geography, inferential statistics, ecology, etc.). The aims of the projects are as follows: a) interpretation of significant translations in the Slovak cultural space (with the assessment of their canonical status); b) examination of culturally significant, yet less defining texts, i. e. educational, pragmatic or religious texts, which have not been thoroughly examined so far; c) examining the broad and still evolving field of audio(and/or)visual texts operating in the popular culture. Given the scope of the project’s aims and the research team’s expertise, it is only natural that the research will focus not only
Duration: 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2022
Reflexia ruského formalizmu v slovenských prekladoch a literárnovedných prácach Mikuláša Bakoša (metodológia, terminológia, recepcia).
Reflections on Russian Formalism in Slovak Translations and Literary Studies by Mikuláš Bakoš (Methodology, Terminology, Reception)
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. PhDr. Pašteková Soňa, CSc.
Annotation: Proposed project focuses on the theoretical and translatological reflection of the methodology concepts of Russian formalism in the works of a Slovak literary scientist of the last century, M. Bakoš (1914-1972). As an interdisciplinary humanities researcher (founder of the Society for Scientific Synthesis, 1937) and translator of scientific texts, he responded to the impulses of the formalism accentuating the literary science terminology. He directed his interests towards the increasing rigor of Slovak scientific thinking, towards defining the subject of literary science, and towards refining the literary science terminology and categories. He contributed significantly to the higher quality of the reception of World literature in Slovak scientific space. In the very center of attention of today’s literary science, therefore, appear reflections of Bakoš’ scientific thinking, his contribution to literary science as a whole and to world literature studies in the Slovak context, and the Russian literatur studies.
Duration: 1.1.2020 - 31.12.2022
Filozofická analýza stierania hraníc v modernom biodiskurze
Philosophical Analysis Concerning Deletion of Borders in Contemporary Bio-Discourse
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Suwara Bogumiła, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2018 - 31.12.2021
Premeny rumunského románu po roku 1990
Transformation of the Romanian Novel after 1990
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Kenderessy Eva, PhD.
Annotation: The project focuses on material research of the Romanian novel from 1990 to the present. It freely follows the collective monograph ‘History of Romanian Literature’ which presented Romanian post-1990 prose selectively, in basic outline, due to limited space. The present project is focused on detailed analysis of novel forms, it will also search for the reasons of the changing position of fiction in the Romanian public space as well as for the criteria that began to enter the reception of literary works, thus introducing the current trends in novel writing and its representatives. As literature is part of broader culture space, the project will also be partly comparative and interdisciplinary and will touch upon visual art, too. The novel will be researched from the point of the foreign, i.e. Slovak environment and the members of the research team will collaborate with Slovak experts in Romanian studies, as well as with Romanian literary historians and theoreticians.
Duration: 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2021
Spoločenská angažovanosť, identita a modernita v súčasnej africkej anglofónnej literatúre
Social engagement, identity and modernity in contemporary African Anglophone writing
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Dr. Pucherová Dobrota, D.Phil., Privatdoz.
Annotation: The project is a continuation of the previous, preparatory 2-year project titled Dissent and Resistance in Contemporary African Writing. It will contribute to the discussion on social resistance, engagement, and personal responsibility that has been at the fore-front of recent philosophical discourses on African modern identity. It concerns the issues of personal and communal responsibility vs oppression and victimhood, cultural authenticity vs interculturality, and political resistance vs complicity, all of which seem to point to the question of „African modernity“ in its philosophical and material meaning. In the socio-historical context where African societies have increasingly become dysfunctional due to lack of civil society, literature has been seen as an instrument of resistance, functioning as testimony, dissent, political protest, and philosophy. The project will analyze the ethical, aesthetic and political aspects of this literary imagination.
Duration: 1.1.2017 - 31.12.2020
Hyperlexikón literárnovedných pojmov a kategórií II
Hyperlexicon of Concepts and Categories in Literary Studies II
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Mikuláš Roman, PhD.
Annotation: This project is the continuation of an existing project bearing the same name. Its chief objective was, and still is, the creation of a lexicon of literary studies in hypertext medium. The hyperlexicon contains terms describing aspects of literary texts and also concepts that belong to the literary meta-discussion. The necessity to continue with the project and fulfill its objectives are due to the fact that the conclusions of the discussions in the ongoing project infer high degrees of complexity and, simultaneously, the difficulty of the problem of orientation within the language of literary studies in various areas of research traditions. Yet another motivation for the continuation of the project resides in the great dynamics of transformation of knowledge between disciplines (in recent times increasingly among the natural, technological and human sciences), however always wanting to benefit from the anticipation of trends in the field of meta-theory or methodology.
Duration: 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2019
Prepísanie naratívnej tradície: próza maďarského postmodernistu Pétera Esterházyho
Rewriting the Narrative Tradition: The Fiction of the Hungarian Postmodernist Péter Esterházy
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Annotation: Péter Esterházy (1950), a notable Hungarian postmodernist, is present also in the Slovak cultural space through translations. However there has been a dearth of analytical confrontation of his work in its own referential contexts (e.g. the tradition of mimetic/referential fiction, autobiographical writing, historical narrative, confessional narration, the linguistic tradition of the literary expression, the problem of the originality of a text and cultural tradition). The project will result in a monograph consisting of interpretations of individual works from the point of view of their aesthetic/literary/poetological issues, as well as their literary-historical place in the history of Hungarian literature and postmodernism.
Duration: 1.1.2017 - 31.12.2019
Preklad ako súčasť dejín kultúrneho priestoru II
Translation as a Part of the Cultural Space History II. Fact, Phenomena and Personalities in Translation Activities in the Slovak Cultural Space and the Forms of their Functioning
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc.
Annotation: Translation as a Part of the Cultural Space History II. Fact, Phenomena and Personalities in Translation Activities in the Slovak Cultural Space and the Forms of their Funcioning represents further and systematic long-term literary, cultural and historical research of translation in Slovakia. In European context, the perception of translation as a part of the history of the given cultural space has won wider recognition only in the recent years. The project is unique due to its potential of creation a synergic effect of the cultural, literary and historical, and, at the same time, generalizing theoretical thinking on translation. This combined approach to the basic source and material research and application of the resultind theoretical concepts thanks to the participation of relevant Slovak translatological institutions assumes a background for a systematic research of the "fate" of translation in the Slovak cultural space.
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2018
Diskurzívne podnety pre literárnu historiografiu: sondy do tvorby vybraných nemecky píšucich autoriek (od konca 18. storočia podnes)
Discursive Impulses for Literary Historiography: Insights to the Work of Selected German Writing Female Authors (from End of the18th Century till Today)
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Cviková Jana, PhD.
Annotation: The project focuses on producing discursive impulses for literary historiography in two key periods for women’s writing (from end of the 18th to the beginning of 20th cent. and second half of 20th to the beginning of 21st cent.). The project explores concrete works of selected German writing female authors (geograficaly and culturally linked to Slovakia and Switzerland) in the background of literary and aesthetic as well as social-political and cultural changes. Considering existing attempts in the field, the project aspires to evolve international knowledge and approaches of gender studies, which are still underrepresented in Slovakia. The project also attempts to hinge on cultural and post-colonial studies using their interdisciplinary potential and conscious reflection of the situatedness of research. The case studies of the female authors are focused on such a text analysis, which can improve the critical and intersectionally-inclusive literary-historical writing open to diverse text interpretation.
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2017
Hypermediálny artefakt v postdigitálnej dobe
Hypermedia artefact in the postdigital age
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Suwara Bogumiła, PhD.
Annotation: The proposal of grant is conceived as a continuation of projects: Literature in cyberspace and Text on the Internet as a phenomenon of cultural (r)evolution, both of which focused on studying literature/text in the context of programmable media. The new project should study mainly digital texts, electronic literature and electronic art from the perspective of postdigital media – the global net interactivity and its consequences for reflecting electronic literature/art/culture. The research into hypermedia artefact (represented by digital texts, electronic literature and art) should be linked with the answers by literary studies to the urgent appeal to “humanization” of scientific results gained by information technologies and their influence on artistic (and cultural) discourse.
Duration: 1.1.2014 - 31.12.2017
Johan Huizinga ako priekopník vied o kultúre
Johan Huizinga as a Pioneer of Culture Studies
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. Mgr. Bžoch Adam, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project is research the contribution of the Dutch cultural historian Johan Huizinga (1872-1940) to the “cultural turns” for contemporary Humanities and Cultural Studies. The main result will be a monograph in Slovak language on Huizinga, stressing two points: 1. Huizinga’s innovations of interpretation methods, significant to contemporary Humanities and Cultural Studies 2. New problems and thematic issues opened by Huizinga. The project focuses on the main points of Huizinga´s thinking (his theory of image, relations between world and image and between several forms of knowledge, cultural materialism, holistic view on cultural periods) which prefigure the vital forms and aspects of contemporary Humanities and Cultural Studies (Bildwissenschaft, intermedial studies, New Historicism and discourse analysis, cultural analysis, history of mentalities and history of everyday life).
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2017
Slovenská prekladová a literárnovedná recepcia tvorby A. S. Puškina
Reception of A. S. Pushkin’s Works of Art in Slovak Translations and Literary Criticism
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2017
Zobrazovanie Indie v slovenskej literatúre
Imagining India in Slovak Literature
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Gáfrik Róbert, PhD.
Annotation: India has played a significant role in the imagination of the Western civilization since antiquity. In the 18th century the British imperial activities in India brought closer contacts and new knowledge of Indian culture which also shows in European literature. Once can observe a reception of Indian culture in Slovakia already in the works of the leaders of Slovak national awakening such as J. Holly or J. Kollar, it shows in the works of modernist poets I. Krasko and V. Roy and in present in the works J. Litvak, R. Bielik, J. Banas and others. The aim of the project is to map the reception of India in Slovak literature, review it in the European context and to explore if and how the orientalist or some other discourse manifests in it.
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2017
Disent a odpor v súčasnej africkej literatúre
Dissent and resistance in contemporary African writing
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Dr. Pucherová Dobrota, D.Phil., Privatdoz.
Annotation: The project will analyze contemporary African writing in English in the context of social engagement. The object of study will be dissent and political resistance against the totalitarian power of the African postcolony in this literature and what kind of identities this literature offers in the atmosphere of fear and instability, which forces the citizens to adapt to permanent change by creating unstable, fragmented identities. The basic difference between anti-colonial and postcolonial engaged literature is the difference between the understanding of identity and subjectivity: while the anti-colonial narrative understands subjectivity in the spirit of social realism as firmly anchored and essential, the postcolonial narrative can no longer afford this kind of understanding of subjectivity, which changes also the understanding of resistance. The methodological approach will utilize impulses of psychoanalytical approaches to literature, postmodern cultural theory and theories of trauma narrative.
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2016
Podoby historickosti v maďarskej postmodernej románovej tvorbe
Forms of Historicity in the Hungarian Postmodern Novels
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Annotation: The project studies the conception of historicity in the contemporary prose, narrative characteristics and shapes of the genre concretisation of the Hungarian postmodern novel,realised as unique artistic answers to philosophical appeals on meta-fictive character of any historiography. Continuing the previous research of contemporary novels in the Hungarian studies, the core of the project is constituted of interpretations of texts that, besides the Hungarian context, confront the Slovak reception of Hungarian prose.
Duration: 1.1.2013 - 31.12.2016
literatúra socia - Socialistický realizmus ako vízia a umelecká metóda zobrazenia skutočnosti
Socialist realism as a vision and artistic method of representation of the reality
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Bátorová Mária, DrSc.
Annotation: The proposed project presents a continuation of the current research about alternative art and art of the so called “internal emigration”. Socialist realism creates a sort of a contrast, which is highly necessary and suitable material for the research. Its analysis, based on historical conditions, can define the ground problem, reasons and functioning of its collapse and direction of cultural activities. The research will have interdisciplinary character. Comparative method will be applied, as well.
Duration: 1.1.2014 - 31.12.2016
Hyperlexikón literárnovedných pojmov a kategórií
Hyperlexicon of Concepts and Categories in Literary Studies
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Mikuláš Roman, PhD.
Annotation: Project´s aim is to create a lexicon of concepts and categories in literary studies in the hypertext medium. A need to clarify the language of literary studies is significant due to the interdisciplinary transfomations in the system of literary studies resulting in the growing complexity of knowledge in the field of literary studies. Based on the contemporary discussions at domestic and foreign literary research institutes, we can deduce a high degree of importance in the problematics of clarification of the language of literary studies. This condition is on the one hand a result of dynamic transformations of knowledge among scholarly disciplines in favour of the creation and consolidation of their identities and on the other hand a result of the contemporary process of democratisation of the scholarly knowledge. The project outlines, concretized mainly in the hyperlexicon entries, will be grounded in the interpretation of the problem itself and will have a character of the „primary research“.
Duration: 1.1.2013 - 31.12.2015
Cieľom projektu - Európske dimenzie umeleckej kultúry Slovenska
European dimensions of the artistic culture in Slovakia
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: prof. Mgr. Bžoch Adam, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to build a national centre of excellent investigating into European dimensions of the artistic culture in Slovakia.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.12.2010 - 31.3.2015
Dejiny rumunskej literatúry (literárny život v kontexte)
The history of Romanian literature (literary life in context)
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Vajdová Libuša, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to produce the first history of Romanian literature in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Despite more than a 100-year existence of Romanian Studies as a discipline there is no coherent book-length work of this kind in this linguistic region. The collective monograph The History of Romanian Literature will be the result of the collaboration of Slovak, Czech and Romanian specialists and will fill in a blank space in the primary research of this subject in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Methodologically, it emerges from the changes in the historiographic paradigm and follows up on the current research of literature as part of a multicultural universe, cultural topography and contextual understanding of phenomena. In this way, it problematizes literary canons based on causality and binary patterns. The project is implicitly comparatist and relativizing, as it studies Romanian literature from a foreign environment. It understands this literature contextually, as emerging from the heterogeneous character of Romanian culture on the crossroads of Central Europe, the Balkans and the Romance regions of Western Europe.
Duration: 1.1.2012 - 31.12.2014
Preklad ako súčasť dejín kultúrneho priestoru
Translation as a Part of the Cultural Space History
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc.
Annotation: The project Translation as a Part of the Cultural Space History represents continuous and systematic literary, cultural and historical research of translation in Slovakia that has been started several years ago. In broader European context, a definition of translation and its history as a part of history of particular cultural space was created no sooner than several years ago (France, Bulgaria, etc.). This project is exceptional mainly (due to the direct involvement of several foremost Slovak translatologists) for its ability to create a synergistic effect (cultural, literary and historical) and at the same time generalized theoretical thinking on translation which seems to be a crucial and necessary factor especially if translation is understood to be a part of history of Slovak cultural territory.
Duration: 1.1.2011 - 31.12.2014
Dejiny ruskej literatúry
History of the Russian Literature
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. PhDr. Pašteková Soňa, CSc.
Annotation: The project History of Russian Literature is methodologically based on the results achieved in the previous successful project of the same research team Russian Literature of the 11th - 20th Centuries (Literary Life, Literary Process). Its main objective was to publish The Dictionary of Russian Literature. In order to write the first complete Slovak history of Russian Literature the project will draw upon the knowledge and experience gained from the work on the dictionary. Alongside with the factographic material it will reflect the contemporary methodological principles of literary historiography as well as the reception context of Slovak and Central-European literature and culture.
Duration: 1.1.2011 - 31.12.2013
Jozef Felix (1913-1977) a cesta k vedeckému konštituovaniu slovenskej romanistiky
Jozef Felix (1913-1977) and the Rout to the scholarly constitution of the Slovak Romance Studies
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Kučerková Magda, PhD.
Annotation: The aim of the project is a systematic assessment of the work and scholarly method of Jozef Felix (1913 – 1977), the founder of the Slovak Romance Studies as a scholarly discipline. The project focuses on a consistently Romanist research of the literary-historical and translation works of J. Felix and its complex elaboration, which, hitherto, has not been written in the Slovak literary scholarship. As the need for it has been felt for a longer time, there is an occasion for a synthetic view – the 100th anniversary of the author’s birthday (May 2013). The project also focuses on examining the non-published materials and implications of the author’s works, especially in international dimension. Attention is paid to the connection of research in the field of French, Spanish and Italian literatures, which is a novelty also in the framework of the Romance studies. The outcome of the project is a preparation of a conference to 100th anniversary of the author\'s birthday and a publication of a collective monograph.
Duration: 1.1.2012 - 31.12.2013
Ruský symbolizmus v diele Andreja Belého vo svetle súčasných európskych vízií multikulturality a zjednotenia
Russian Symbolism in the Work of Andrei Bely in the Context of Contemporary European Visions of Multiculturalism and Unification
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Maliti Eva, CSc.
Annotation: The project examines the importance and the special character of Russian symbolism for European culture with respect to the works of poet, fiction-writer and literary theorist Andrei Bely (1870 - 1934). A penetration into the artistic and ideological heritage of the writer\'s experimental work placed between art and criticism, if confronted with present-day European visions of multiculturalism and unity, and their genesis, shows a continuity of thinking and spirituality on the East-West and Russia-Europe axes. The project is also devoted to his traced reception in Slovak literature and literary theory and creates an image of the Central European reception of the works of a Russian symbolist in connection with the epoch\'s ideological trends.
Duration: 1.1.2012 - 31.12.2013
Súčasná africká anglofónna exilová literatúra
Contemporary Anglophone African exile literature
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Dr. Pucherová Dobrota, D.Phil., Privatdoz.
Annotation: The project will contribute to the debate about the impact of globalization on African identities through analysis of recent African Anglophone exilic writing and the debate about the understanding of "African literature" and "literariness". Many sociological and economic analyses argue that although the historical development of postcolonial Africa has been marked by political and economic regression, Africa is finally entering the global community, as demonstrated by the rise of Chinese investment on the continent. The project aims to problematize this view. African exilic and diasporic literature published over the last 15 years opens nex viewpoints on Africa\'s position in the world. It suggests that the phenomenon of globalization is not based on the inclusion of all, but on the exclusion of some from the global community. In the view of African exilic/diasporic authors, Africans abroad are not welcome in their host countries and are denied cosmopolitan hybrid identities.
Duration: 1.1.2011 - 31.12.2013
Vnútorná emigrácia ako produkt totalitných systémov a jej literárna reflexia
"Inner emigration" as a product/consequence of totalitarian systems and its reflection in literature
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Bátorová Mária, DrSc.
Annotation: In connection to my former projects I plan to aim this project on the study of foreign theoretical studies on "emigration" and "inner emigration".In the second phase of my research project I will evaluate the knowledge and the results of the analysis of the chosen works of Slovak and Czech literatures, which have been written outside of the territory of these countries and also on the field of theses of the "Eastern Block" until 1989.
Duration: 1.1.2011 - 31.12.2013
Slovensko-chorvátske literárne vzťahy po roku 1948
Slovak-Croatian Relations after 1948
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Jankovič Ján, DrSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to give a complex and systematic view of the history of translation from Croatian to Slovak in the horizon of five decades; to define the character of these changes from the aspect of continuity and discontinuity of literary relations. To pursue, on the basis of material and factual entirety, to what extent the translations (published and staged) contributed to the development and identification of the Slovak culture, to evaluate the contribution of the most important translations and translators, shed light on the reception and positions of Croatian literature in the Slovak culture. It is important to assess the reception of translations in the arch from the period of dogmatism to nowadays; in particular to pursue the fact that the tradition of national relations lays on a Slavonic basis, while the tradition in the sphere of artistic translation is a part of integrative andintellectual motion in Europe.
Duration: 1.1.2010 - 12.12.2013
Text na internete ako jav (r)evolúcie kultúry
Text on the Internet as the Phenomenon of (r)evolution of Culture
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Suwara Bogumiła, PhD.
Annotation: The proposal of the grant project Text on the Internet as the Phenomenon of (r)evolution of Culture is planned as the sequel of the grant assignment Literature in Cyberspace (2/7090/07). Its task will be besides studying the manifestation of the democratization of the literary expression, reception and criticism also dealing with the questions of hypertextuality of culture, intermedial transport of various text types (blogs, literary web sites, internet forums and their alternative voice). Apart from the perspective of McLuhan\'s notion of the medium created message, the grant project will consider the problems regarding the way the internet medium excesses the message (information) in the traditional sense and supplements it with new aspects: interactivity, contextuality, immersion, etc. A question regarding the historical perspective appears in this context: are we dealing with the evolutionary or revolutionary change in the culture?Scientific goals1. The examination of the process of penetration of the voices of professional criticism on the website of literary works and democratization of the literary communication, or medial hybrids (texts in other media). 2. The analysis of blogs (linked internet pages) as the display of contemporary hypertext cultural form.3. The analysis of media consciousness of the print literature authors. 4. The examination of the question, to what extent the virtual reality can be understood as the new but evolutionary legitimate immersive art space, or to what extent it is just the other example of the cultural genealogy (analogy, proximity, convergence, adaptation...), or the possibility of the application of the chaos theory principles on the process of literary creation. Above that it seems, that the term immersion is the effort of the description of the “verisimilitude”/”conditions” - Popper) of the technologically new, virtual environment, characteristic by a specific type of the interaction among various worlds. (Are they Popper\'s worlds? Is it the biological world versus the artificial world?).
Duration: 1.1.2010 - 12.12.2013
Maďarský román na prelome tisícročia - špecifiká žánru, príbehovosti, narácie
Hungarian Novel at the Turn of the Millenium - Particularities of Genre, Narrativity, Storytelling
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Annotation: The presented project examines the particularities of the Hungarian postmodern novels on the basis of individual poetic worlds of the specific texts, understood as artistic responses to postmodern philosophic-aesthetic appeals. The project\'s basis lies in the literary-historical status of the Hungarian literature, it is engaged in postmodern analogies to novelistic subgenres from the point of view of deconstruction of the tradition as well as from the point of view of the concrete poetical examples of the fragmented narration. Project\'s aim is also to map the Slovak reception of these works.
Duration: 1.1.2009 - 31.12.2012
Reprezentácie prirodzeného v moderne a v avantgardách
Representations of the Natural in the Modernity and Avant-gardes
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. Mgr. Bžoch Adam, CSc.
Annotation: The project continues the previous research project of modernity and avant-gardes realized on the IWL, SAS. It concentrates on cultural notions of the natural and artistic representations which root in these notions. Esp.the period between 1890 and 1946 is focused, as the "nature" ("naturalness") is recognized as the key-term for the whole thinking in the humanities in the 20th c. The chief problems are: relations between arts/literature and the problems of naturalness as empirical, rational but also psychical side within the human creativity; to what extention the status of the natural interferes with or even changes the considerations of the functions and the notions of the natural within the artistic and literary representations, in synergy with its philosophical understanding in the modern times (Hume, Hegel, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Spengler, Bergson etc.). The necessity of the interdisciplinary approach is necessary as this question cannot be answered without help of other human sciences.
Duration: 1.1.2009 - 31.12.2012
Literárna veda ako "Systemics"
Literary Studies as "Systemics"
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Mikuláš Roman, PhD.
Annotation: The project is an attempt at an analysis and systematization of the possibilities of the interconnection of constructivism, systems theory and chaos research in literary studies, which have recently featured more frequently also in the literary critical discourse. They are meta-discourses that by their mutual intersections form the background of the so-called postmodern literary studies. Without their detailed knowledge postmodern literary studies become just a vague metaphor and lose their validity. It should be taken into consideration that the radical constructivism as well as chaos theory belong to systems theory in the system of science. This new paradigm, which began to be known as systemics, represents a departure from the analysis of static structures in favor of the observation of movements in highly complex dynamic systems. We assume that literature can be understood only in the process of communication.
Duration: 1.1.2010 - 12.12.2012
Recepcia románskych literatúr na Slovensku
Reception of Romance Literatures in Slovakia
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Franek Ladislav, CSc.
Annotation: Interliterary comparative research focused on reassessment of the Ouri§in\'s conception of literary comparative studies, research of the influence of the Hispano-American prose on Slovak literature, parallels and differences in development; analysis of poetry translation from Romance literatures since the period of Romanticism, genre changes dependent on various development of the given literatures, interdisciplinary and interliterary form of research leading to the question of intercultural specificities.
Duration: 1.1.2009 - 31.12.2011
Perspektívy prínosu sanskrtskej poetiky do diskurzu súčasnej západnej literárnej vedy.
Perspectives of Contribution of Sanskrit Poetics to the Discourse of Contemporary Western Literary Science
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Gáfrik Róbert, PhD.
Annotation: The Western literary science started by Plato\'s reflections in Republic and by Aristotle’s Poetics. Similarly, in India(2nd century BC?) Bharata by his Natyashastra laid the foundations of Indian literary science. From Bharata tothe 17th century, thought about literature was flourishing in Sanskrit tradition and many schools developed.However, Sanskrit literary theory is little known in the West and is often limited to indological circles, which see itto a great extent as a relict of the past. However, it is still flourishing, although in a modified form, in the study ofliteratures in modern Indian languages. The aim of the project is to explore the possibilities and areas in whichSanskrit poetics may enter into a dialog with Western literary science and enrich it by new solutions to knownproblems, by new concepts or problems.
Duration: 1.1.2008 - 31.12.2010
Preklad, dejiny, kultúra. Status prekladu, transformácie jeho podôb a vedeckej reflexie v čase
Translation, History, Culture. Translation Status, Transformations of its Forms and Scientific Reflection in Time
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc.
Annotation: The “Translation, History, Culture” project. Translation status, transformations of its forms and scientific reflectionin time represents a continuation of literary and cultural-historical research in the field o translation studies inSlovakia, which is exceptional by its scope also within the Central European context. By means ofcultural-historical and theoretical reflection of the examined cultural and scientific experience, it focuses ondescription, analysis, and interpretation of literary translation and reception.
Duration: 1.1.2008 - 31.12.2010
Literatúra v kyberpriestore
Literature in cyberspace
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Suwara Bogumiła, PhD.
Annotation: Cyberspace is understood here as a space for functioning of virtual, multicultural and literary communication. Producing texts (also literary) in cyberspace forces to reassess the notion of communication - comunicare, namely in the meaning of: allow participation, offer, unite; as well as: electronic dispersion of information. It is needed to direct the study of literature, as a major form of communication (we suppose that it is so also in cyberspace), towards searching for relations and concerns the e-texts are accompanied with. Reading (lecture) is perceived as a non-unidirectional process, in which reading is blending with writing. The project Literature in Cyberspace aims to study thoroughly ontological, epistemological and aesthetic relations decisive for the participation of the reader on the creation of the story (creative writing, plays, random choice, computer programme) in an open, multi-ply and even transient (non-lasting) text spread by means of electronic canal.
Duration: 1.1.2007 - 31.12.2009
Diskurzy literatúry pre deti a mládež
Discourse about Children´s and Juvenile Literature
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Mikuláš Roman, PhD.
Annotation: The project entitled “Discourse about Children’s and Juvenile literature” is an analytical exploration of the complex of utterances, conditions and rules of production and reception of academic studies influencing thinking about children’s and juvenile literature. In literary scholarship, the various discourse-analytical concepts are problematic. The term discourse itself is extremely ambivalent. We will understand the term in the sense of a system of thinking and reasoning focused on a particular object (of a speech act) which is governed by rules (of the speech act) and which is defined by the system of relations to other discourses. Basically, we are concerned about the analysis of the complexity of the term children’s and juvenile literature in its entanglement in sociological, psychological, aesthetic, didactic, pedagogic, literary-historical, literary-theoretical and other ideological concepts. We will follow the origins of the term on the example of its use in German speaking countries. We will draw on the genealogical concept of discourse analysis, which as the only one accepts the historical reconstruction of functions and conditions of discourses.
Duration: 1.1.2007 - 1.12.2009
Koncepcie medziliterárnosti v porovnávacej literárnej vede...
Conception of Interliterariness in the Comparative Literary Scholarship
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Prof., PhDr. Koprda Pavol, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2005 - 1.12.2007
Konzervatíne odpovede na výzvy modernizácie
Conservative responses to the challenges of modernisation
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. Mgr. Bžoch Adam, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2005 - 1.12.2007
Ruská literatúra 11. - 20..storočia III. Slovník ruských spisovateľov..
Russian Literature of the 11th - 20th Centuries
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. PhDr. Kovačičová Oľga, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2006 - 1.12.2007
Slovenská literatúra vo vnútornej emigrácii a jej stredoeurópsky kontext
Slovak literature in internemigration and her centraleuropean context
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Bátorová Mária, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2005 - 1.12.2007
Tvorivosť literárnej recepcie
Creativity of Literary Reception
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Prokešová Viera, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2005 - 1.12.2007