Prednáška Andrása Kappanyosa: The Asymmetry of Cultural Transfer

Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV pozýva na prednášku Andrása Kappanyosa z Literárnovedného ústavu CHV Maďarskej akadémie vied v Budapešti na tému The Asymmetry of Cultural Transfer – Asymetria kultúrneho transferu.

KEDY: v stredu 14. novembra 2018 o 10.00 hod.
KDE: zasadačka Ústavu svetovej literatúry SAV, Bratislava, Dúbravská cesta 9 (areál SAV na Patrónke)

JAZYK: Prednáška bude v angličtine, k dispozícii bude aj slovenský preklad a maďarský text, diskusia bude tlmočená

KĽÚČOVÉ SLOVÁ: jazyková dominancia v svetovej literatúre, periférne kultúry, literárny preklad, kultúrna asymetria

O AUTOROVI: András Kappanyos is Scientific Counsellor and Head of Department at the Institute of Literary Studies, Center for Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In addition, he teaches literary history and theory as a professor at the University of Miskolc. Earlier he also taught at the University of Pécs, and in 2016-17 he worked as György Ránki Hungarian Chair Visiting Professor in the Department of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University. His research interests include English and Hungarian literary Modernism, the Avant-garde, and translation theory. He has authored six books (on T. S. Eliot, James Joyce, the Avant-garde, Hungarian literary movements and, most recently, on translation studies) and edited several others, including a new edition of James Joyce’ oeuvre in Hungarian. He translated several works by T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, James Joyce, Carol Ann Duffy, Kurt Vonnegut and others. He is currently working on the English version of his monograph in translation studies.

Foto: Fazekas István