Maďarská literárna kultúra z transkultúrnej perspektívy | |
Hungarian Literary Culture in Transcultural Perspective | |
Program: | Multilateral - other |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD. |
Anotácia: | The scope of the project is the research of the Hungarian literary history from the transcultural perspective. The project output - handbook Hungarian Literary Culture(s) in Transcultural Perspective, An Introduction addresses specialist and non-specialist readership mainly outside of Hungary and therefore will be published in different East-Central European languages. This book conceptually and methodically goes beyond the frames of what is known as literary history. It presents a chronological overview of the aesthetical, institutional, medial and social history of Hungarian literature, to which complementary thematical and poetical approaches are added that overarch and complete the description. In the research are involved experts on Hungarian Literature from various European countries. |
Doba trvania: | 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2025 |
Maďarská a slovenská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kultúrnom priestore 5. – "Svetová literatúra" z perspektívy "malých literatúr" | |
Hungarian and Slovak Literature in the Central European Cultural Space 5. – \'World Literature\' from the perspective of \'small literatures\' | |
Program: | Mobility |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD. |
Anotácia: | Following the leading trends of scholarship in comparative literature, our fifth consecutive project aims to situate Hungarian and Slovak literature within the context of ‘world literature’. The main purpose of the project is to examine the connections and possible contexts of ‘world literature’ and small national literatures from the viewpoint of cultural transfer, taking the new forms of relationships created by globalization into account. |
Doba trvania: | 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2024 |
Maďarská a slovenská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kultúrnom priestore 4. - Poetologické, filologické, recepčné otázky formovania textu | |
Hungarian and Slovak literatures in Central European cultural space 4.— Poetological, philological, reception questions of text formation | |
Program: | Inter-academic agreement |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD. |
Anotácia: | The project is a continuation of the current research themes. At the centre of this research has been communication between cultures, especially the questions of literary translation and translation reception. In the period 2019-2021 we want to focus on the specifics of text formation on the basis of poetological, philological and narrative approaches; also we would like to test the applicability of postcolonial theory in the context of these literatures. |
Doba trvania: | 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2022 |
Slovenská a maďarská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kultúrnom priestore 3. – Špecifické národné literárne javy v 20. a 21. storočí, vzájomný transfer literatúry | |
Hungarian and Slovak literatures in Central European cultural space 3. – Specific national literary phenomena in the 20th and 21st century – mutual literary transfer | |
Program: | Inter-academic agreement |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD. |
Anotácia: | The project planned for 2016-2018 ties into the research topic of the previous two periods of collaboration oriented towards the study of Hungarian and Slovak literature within the larger context of Central Europe. Using the methods of comparative literature studies, it focuses on selected phenomena of the two national literatures of the 20th and 21st century and the issues of their transfer into the other culture. The project’s aim is to deepen our understanding of the parallels and specifics of these two literatures, their typological connections and a research of cultural relationships on the basis of the theory and methodology of cultural transfer. |
Doba trvania: | 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2018 |
Maďarská a slovenská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kultúrnom priestore 2. - Podoby modernizmu a postmodernizmu | |
Hungarian and Slovak literature in the Central European cultural space 2. – Forms of literary modernism and postmodernism | |
Program: | Inter-academic agreement |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD. |
Anotácia: | The project builds upon the research topic from the previous collaborative project and focuses on another group of regional literary issues. Using a comparative method, it focuses on modernism, i.e. the issues defining the culture of 20th century Central Europe, and postmodernism as a movement that closes modernism (or contradicts it, as some claim). The eventual goal is to produce a regional literary-historical overview (with participation of other research centres, including those from third countries) that will consist of the partial studies of this project. |
Doba trvania: | 1.1.2013 - 31.12.2015 |
Konštruovanie národnej/kultúrnej identity v Strednej Európe. Postmoderný a postkoloniálny pohľad | |
Constructing National/Cultural Identities in Central Europe—Postmodern and Postcolonial Perspectives | |
Program: | International Visegrad Fund (IVF) |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | Dr. Pucherová Dobrota, D.Phil., Privatdoz. |
Anotácia: | The project explores the transformations in the construction of cultural, national and regional identities in Central and Eastern Europe after 1945. These identities were deformed as a result of totalitarian regimes and after 1989 we observe their reassessment/reconstruction in public discourse, as well as in literature. The project will consist of two conferences and preparation of the publication of the conference proceedings, which will be published after the project has ended. |
Web stránka projektu: | |
Doba trvania: | 4.2.2014 - 14.10.2014 |
Maďarská a slovenská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kultúrnom priestore | |
Hungarian and Slovak literatures in Central European Cultural Space | |
Program: | Inter-academic agreement |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD. |
Doba trvania: | 1.1.2010 - 31.12.2012 |
Stredoeurópsky kontext tvorby Pétera Nádasa | |
Central European Context of the Work of Péter Nádas | |
Program: | International Visegrad Fund (IVF) |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD. |
Anotácia: | Péter Nádas is in contemporary world literature perceived as not only a representative of Hungarian but also of Central European literature. The aim of the project is to explore – based on translations – within an international scientific conference, how the work of Nádas is received in Central European literatures, if at all, and how its Central-Europeanness is perceived from the view “from within”, what stimuli it offers for other central European literatures. |
Doba trvania: | 1.12.2009 - 31.5.2010 |
Dohoda o medzinárodnej vedeckej spolupráci | |
International Academic Cooperation Agreement | |
Program: | Inter-academic agreement |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD. |
Anotácia: | The international cooperation focuses on literary theory, theory of literary historiography, and on the research of the reception of modern and post-modern literature. It is realized by means of research stays, common academic events and academic publications, and the participation of researchers on the projects of the partner’s institution. |
Doba trvania: | 1.1.2007 - 31.12.2009 |
Teória prekladu, recepcie modernej a postmodernej literatúry a výskum súčasnej literatúry a jej trendov | |
Theory of Translation, Reception of modern and postmodern Literatures, Study of Contemporary Literatures and Trends | |
Program: | Inter-academic agreement |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD. |
Anotácia: | no description |
Doba trvania: | 1.1.2004 - 31.12.2006 |
Literárny transfer, translácia a transnacionálne literárne javy v slovensko-maďarskom kultúrnom priestore | |
Literary transfer, translation and transnational literary phenomena in the Slovak-Hungarian cultural space | |
Program: | VEGA |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD. |
Anotácia: | Slovak-Hungarian literary contacts have always been a subject of research in Slovak comparative literature and translation studies. Yet, there is a sizeable amount of new literary phenomena that has not yet been systematically addressed. In addition to this, some traditional ways of understanding the aforementioned contacts could be revised in light of more recent theoretical and methodological insights. The research project conducted by a group of Hungarian studies scholars intends to address phenomena associated with literary transfer, translation and overlap of Slovak and Hungarian cultural spaces with regard to aspects of transnational literary studies and with a special focus on theory of cultural transfer. |
Doba trvania: | 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024 |
Prepísanie naratívnej tradície: próza maďarského postmodernistu Pétera Esterházyho | |
Rewriting the Narrative Tradition: The Fiction of the Hungarian Postmodernist Péter Esterházy | |
Program: | VEGA |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD. |
Anotácia: | Péter Esterházy (1950), a notable Hungarian postmodernist, is present also in the Slovak cultural space through translations. However there has been a dearth of analytical confrontation of his work in its own referential contexts (e.g. the tradition of mimetic/referential fiction, autobiographical writing, historical narrative, confessional narration, the linguistic tradition of the literary expression, the problem of the originality of a text and cultural tradition). The project will result in a monograph consisting of interpretations of individual works from the point of view of their aesthetic/literary/poetological issues, as well as their literary-historical place in the history of Hungarian literature and postmodernism. |
Doba trvania: | 1.1.2017 - 31.12.2019 |
Podoby historickosti v maďarskej postmodernej románovej tvorbe | |
Forms of Historicity in the Hungarian Postmodern Novels | |
Program: | VEGA |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD. |
Anotácia: | The project studies the conception of historicity in the contemporary prose, narrative characteristics and shapes of the genre concretisation of the Hungarian postmodern novel,realised as unique artistic answers to philosophical appeals on meta-fictive character of any historiography. Continuing the previous research of contemporary novels in the Hungarian studies, the core of the project is constituted of interpretations of texts that, besides the Hungarian context, confront the Slovak reception of Hungarian prose. |
Doba trvania: | 1.1.2013 - 31.12.2016 |
Cieľom projektu - Európske dimenzie umeleckej kultúry Slovenska | |
European dimensions of the artistic culture in Slovakia | |
Program: | EU Structural Funds Research & Development |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | prof. Mgr. Bžoch Adam, CSc. |
Anotácia: | The aim of the project is to build a national centre of excellent investigating into European dimensions of the artistic culture in Slovakia. |
Web stránka projektu: | |
Doba trvania: | 1.12.2010 - 31.3.2015 |
Maďarský román na prelome tisícročia - špecifiká žánru, príbehovosti, narácie | |
Hungarian Novel at the Turn of the Millenium - Particularities of Genre, Narrativity, Storytelling | |
Program: | VEGA |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD. |
Anotácia: | The presented project examines the particularities of the Hungarian postmodern novels on the basis of individual poetic worlds of the specific texts, understood as artistic responses to postmodern philosophic-aesthetic appeals. The project\'s basis lies in the literary-historical status of the Hungarian literature, it is engaged in postmodern analogies to novelistic subgenres from the point of view of deconstruction of the tradition as well as from the point of view of the concrete poetical examples of the fragmented narration. Project\'s aim is also to map the Slovak reception of these works. |
Doba trvania: | 1.1.2009 - 31.12.2012 |
Konzervatíne odpovede na výzvy modernizácie | |
Conservative responses to the challenges of modernisation | |
Program: | VEGA |
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: | prof. Mgr. Bžoch Adam, CSc. |
Doba trvania: | 1.1.2005 - 1.12.2007 |