Ľudia – Projekty


Maďarská a slovenská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kultúrnom priestore 5. – "Svetová literatúra" z perspektívy "malých literatúr"
Hungarian and Slovak Literature in the Central European Cultural Space 5. – \'World Literature\' from the perspective of \'small literatures\'
Program: Mobility
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Anotácia: Following the leading trends of scholarship in comparative literature, our fifth consecutive project aims to situate Hungarian and Slovak literature within the context of ‘world literature’. The main purpose of the project is to examine the connections and possible contexts of ‘world literature’ and small national literatures from the viewpoint of cultural transfer, taking the new forms of relationships created by globalization into account.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2024
Maďarská a slovenská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kultúrnom priestore 4. - Poetologické, filologické, recepčné otázky formovania textu
Hungarian and Slovak literatures in Central European cultural space 4.— Poetological, philological, reception questions of text formation
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Anotácia: The project is a continuation of the current research themes. At the centre of this research has been communication between cultures, especially the questions of literary translation and translation reception. In the period 2019-2021 we want to focus on the specifics of text formation on the basis of poetological, philological and narrative approaches; also we would like to test the applicability of postcolonial theory in the context of these literatures.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2022
Slovenská a maďarská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kultúrnom priestore 3. – Špecifické národné literárne javy v 20. a 21. storočí, vzájomný transfer literatúry
Hungarian and Slovak literatures in Central European cultural space 3. – Specific national literary phenomena in the 20th and 21st century – mutual literary transfer
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Anotácia: The project planned for 2016-2018 ties into the research topic of the previous two periods of collaboration oriented towards the study of Hungarian and Slovak literature within the larger context of Central Europe. Using the methods of comparative literature studies, it focuses on selected phenomena of the two national literatures of the 20th and 21st century and the issues of their transfer into the other culture. The project’s aim is to deepen our understanding of the parallels and specifics of these two literatures, their typological connections and a research of cultural relationships on the basis of the theory and methodology of cultural transfer.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2018
Maďarská a slovenská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kultúrnom priestore 2. - Podoby modernizmu a postmodernizmu
Hungarian and Slovak literature in the Central European cultural space 2. – Forms of literary modernism and postmodernism
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD.
Anotácia: The project builds upon the research topic from the previous collaborative project and focuses on another group of regional literary issues. Using a comparative method, it focuses on modernism, i.e. the issues defining the culture of 20th century Central Europe, and postmodernism as a movement that closes modernism (or contradicts it, as some claim). The eventual goal is to produce a regional literary-historical overview (with participation of other research centres, including those from third countries) that will consist of the partial studies of this project.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2013 - 31.12.2015


Prekusvet - Preklad a aspekty recepcie spoločenskovedných a humanitnovedných textov ako kultúrny a literárny transfer v 20. storočí
Translation and aspects of reception of social science and humanities texts as cultural and literary transfer in the 20th century
Program: SRDA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. PhDr. Bednárová Katarína, CSc.
Anotácia: The primarily literary studies and translation studies focused project will explore ways and means of disseminating scientific knowledge, research results, theories and concepts in the social sciences and humanities, such as philosophy, literary science and its borderline and interdisciplinary overlaps (literary essay, translation studies, theory, and art history), in broader cultural and sociological contexts through translations (from English, French, German, Russian and partly from Polish, Spanish and Italian) and their reflection in the Slovak cultural space in the 20th century. It will try to answer the question to what extent the social and scientific valorization of circulating translation texts was / is present in the receiving (Slovak) scientific and socio-cultural environment, to what extent translations saturated the social demand in the 20th century, and whether and how they contributed to the development of individual researched disciplines (to their enrichment, innovation, reception), or, alternatively, what role the fact of non-translation or translation of irrelevant texts or the fact, of erroneous / poor / incompetent / translation played. The project will examine the conditions for translations in the historical context as well as the status, function, and roles of translators as mediators, the institutional background and the functions of translations in the wider literary transfer framework with the aim of creating a more comprehensive picture of this type of translation as a scientific and creative activity. The material (social sciences and humanities translations) will be strictly selective, and the project has no ambition to cover all thematic and linguistic areas.
Doba trvania: 1.7.2022 - 30.6.2026
Konverzácia a európska literatúra
Conversation and European Literature
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. Mgr. Bžoch Adam, CSc.
Anotácia: The aim of the project is cultural historical research of the conversation in European literatures from the Early Modernity till the XXth century (Italian, French, English, German, Dutch, Slavonic literatures). By comparative analysis of the images of non-formal communication, the project targets on evaluation of conversations in novels and other fictional and factual literary genres (drama, autobiography, memoirs) as civilisatory factors which stimulate erudition, urbanity, politeness, gender adequate communication and empathy, and helps to polish language and style, developes tolerance and ethical norms across epoches and cultures. These qualities, recorded in literary dialogues, conversational plays, memoirs and autobiographies, but also manuals of rethoric and stylistics, are transfered in literary communication across cultures and stabilize norms of civilisation. The main output will be a monograph on history of conversation in European literatures.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2022
Johan Huizinga ako priekopník vied o kultúre
Johan Huizinga as a Pioneer of Culture Studies
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. Mgr. Bžoch Adam, CSc.
Anotácia: The aim of the project is research the contribution of the Dutch cultural historian Johan Huizinga (1872-1940) to the “cultural turns” for contemporary Humanities and Cultural Studies. The main result will be a monograph in Slovak language on Huizinga, stressing two points: 1. Huizinga’s innovations of interpretation methods, significant to contemporary Humanities and Cultural Studies 2. New problems and thematic issues opened by Huizinga. The project focuses on the main points of Huizinga´s thinking (his theory of image, relations between world and image and between several forms of knowledge, cultural materialism, holistic view on cultural periods) which prefigure the vital forms and aspects of contemporary Humanities and Cultural Studies (Bildwissenschaft, intermedial studies, New Historicism and discourse analysis, cultural analysis, history of mentalities and history of everyday life).
Doba trvania: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2017
Hyperlexikón literárnovedných pojmov a kategórií
Hyperlexicon of Concepts and Categories in Literary Studies
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Mgr. Mikuláš Roman, PhD.
Anotácia: Project´s aim is to create a lexicon of concepts and categories in literary studies in the hypertext medium. A need to clarify the language of literary studies is significant due to the interdisciplinary transfomations in the system of literary studies resulting in the growing complexity of knowledge in the field of literary studies. Based on the contemporary discussions at domestic and foreign literary research institutes, we can deduce a high degree of importance in the problematics of clarification of the language of literary studies. This condition is on the one hand a result of dynamic transformations of knowledge among scholarly disciplines in favour of the creation and consolidation of their identities and on the other hand a result of the contemporary process of democratisation of the scholarly knowledge. The project outlines, concretized mainly in the hyperlexicon entries, will be grounded in the interpretation of the problem itself and will have a character of the „primary research“.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2013 - 31.12.2015
Cieľom projektu - Európske dimenzie umeleckej kultúry Slovenska
European dimensions of the artistic culture in Slovakia
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. Mgr. Bžoch Adam, CSc.
Anotácia: The aim of the project is to build a national centre of excellent investigating into European dimensions of the artistic culture in Slovakia.
Web stránka projektu: http://www.dejum.sav.sk/eduks/
Doba trvania: 1.12.2010 - 31.3.2015
Reprezentácie prirodzeného v moderne a v avantgardách
Representations of the Natural in the Modernity and Avant-gardes
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. Mgr. Bžoch Adam, CSc.
Anotácia: The project continues the previous research project of modernity and avant-gardes realized on the IWL, SAS. It concentrates on cultural notions of the natural and artistic representations which root in these notions. Esp.the period between 1890 and 1946 is focused, as the "nature" ("naturalness") is recognized as the key-term for the whole thinking in the humanities in the 20th c. The chief problems are: relations between arts/literature and the problems of naturalness as empirical, rational but also psychical side within the human creativity; to what extention the status of the natural interferes with or even changes the considerations of the functions and the notions of the natural within the artistic and literary representations, in synergy with its philosophical understanding in the modern times (Hume, Hegel, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Spengler, Bergson etc.). The necessity of the interdisciplinary approach is necessary as this question cannot be answered without help of other human sciences.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2009 - 31.12.2012
Konzervatíne odpovede na výzvy modernizácie
Conservative responses to the challenges of modernisation
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. Mgr. Bžoch Adam, CSc.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2005 - 1.12.2007