Ľudia – Projekty


Preklad a prekladanie v dejinách a súčasnosti slovenského kultúrneho priestoru. Premeny podôb, statusu a funkcií: texty, osobnosti, inštitúcie .
Translation and translating in the history and present of the Slovak cultural space. Transformations of forms, status and functions: texts, personalities, institutions.
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc.
Anotácia: The project continues the tradition of translatological research that has contributed to the creation of a real Slovak translatological community over the last twenty years. The direction of the interdisciplinary translatological discourse will go (in the sense of current tendencies in thinking about translation) also into the context of reflections on world literature, as well as into the expansion of knowledge in confrontation or synergy with the discourses of other humanities (philosophy, history of culture, sociology, "oral history"), but also natural sciences (human geography, interpretive statistics, ecology, etc.). The object of research should be a) interpretations of translations and receptions of literary texts in Slovak cultural space (forming the canon?), but also b) of culturally significant various, e.g. also educational, pragmatic, audiovisual, or popular culture texts or sacred texts. The scholarly outputs of the project will be monothematic issues of WLS, as well as personal monographic nature.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026