Ľudia – Projekty


Dohoda o medzinárodnej vedeckej spolupráci medzi ÚSvL SAV a Ústavom slavistiky Filozofickej fakulty Masarykovej univerzity v Brne
International Academic Cooperation Agreement
Program: Inter-institute agreement
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. PhDr. Bátorová Mária, DrSc.
Anotácia: The academic cooperation between IWL SAS and the Slavic Institute of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, focuses on comparative literary studies and the research in Russian studies in the Central-European region. It is realized by means of common academic events, and by the participation of researchers and doctoral students in the partner’s academic activities (guest lectures, conferences, academic publications).
Doba trvania: 30.10.2008 - 29.10.2018


Literárny/umelecký artefakt a jeho kontexty (Komparatistika a sociálne vedy)
Literary/artistic artefact and its contexts (Comparative literature and social sciences)
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. PhDr. Bátorová Mária, DrSc.
Anotácia: The project deals with the conceptualization of new approaches to analyses of literary work and its contextes and subsequently processes, where it plays the main part. Their identifrication is complicated in theory, consisting of multiple approaches of various disciplines, in this case chiefly the sociology. The well established paradigm of creative-artistic process: author, text, reader - is completed by context survey of each of mentioned components. The project aims to build a new methodology and theory of contextes, as well as the incorporation of the concept of the author as a main part of the complex approach to literary work, where each aspect has its fundamental role.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2022
literatúra socia - Socialistický realizmus ako vízia a umelecká metóda zobrazenia skutočnosti
Socialist realism as a vision and artistic method of representation of the reality
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. PhDr. Bátorová Mária, DrSc.
Anotácia: The proposed project presents a continuation of the current research about alternative art and art of the so called “internal emigration”. Socialist realism creates a sort of a contrast, which is highly necessary and suitable material for the research. Its analysis, based on historical conditions, can define the ground problem, reasons and functioning of its collapse and direction of cultural activities. The research will have interdisciplinary character. Comparative method will be applied, as well.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2014 - 31.12.2016
Vnútorná emigrácia ako produkt totalitných systémov a jej literárna reflexia
"Inner emigration" as a product/consequence of totalitarian systems and its reflection in literature
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. PhDr. Bátorová Mária, DrSc.
Anotácia: In connection to my former projects I plan to aim this project on the study of foreign theoretical studies on "emigration" and "inner emigration".In the second phase of my research project I will evaluate the knowledge and the results of the analysis of the chosen works of Slovak and Czech literatures, which have been written outside of the territory of these countries and also on the field of theses of the "Eastern Block" until 1989.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2011 - 31.12.2013
Slovenská literatúra vo vnútornej emigrácii a jej stredoeurópsky kontext
Slovak literature in internemigration and her centraleuropean context
Program: VEGA
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. PhDr. Bátorová Mária, DrSc.
Doba trvania: 1.1.2005 - 1.12.2007