
The earliest Upanishads (circa 8th – 5th century BCE) are among the oldest surviving philosophical texts in the world. The subject of the Upanishadic philosophy is self-knowledge, i. e., knowledge of oneʼs own nature, which they call Atma or Brahma. The Upanishads form the basis of many Indian philosophical and religious systems. Their ideas have greatly influenced the cultural life of South and Southeast Asia. They form important reference texts of various spiritual traditions, but they are also analyzed and interpreted in the academia. Although they were composed very long time ago, their ideas are not necessarily alien to modern people. Their way of presentation is exceptional. They are interesting in their language and style, which retains some of its charm even in translations into modern languages. Traditionally, ten Upanishads are considered to be the principal Upanishads: Isha, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Taittiriya, Aitareya, Chandogya, and Brhadaranyaka. The publication presents the translation of these ten Upanishads. The Upanishads can be translated by adopting one of the available traditional Indian interpretations, or by following the historical-philological method which aims at a scholarly translation that reconstructs their supposed original meaning. The present Slovak translation follows Sankaraʼs interpretation of the Upanishads. Sankara (circa 7th century CE) is one of the most important representatives of Indian philosophy. His work has profoundly marked its further development. The philosophy of Advaitavedanta, which he advocated in his commentaries, is still a living school of philosophy today. His teaching can be summarized as follows: There is only one reality called Brahma or Atma. It is pure being and consciousness. The diversity of the universe and of the living beings who inhabit it arises from ignorance. Ignorance is the superimposition of what is not real on what is real and vice versa. One who gets rid of ignorance attains permanent peace and immortality. Sankara also argues that the Upanishads employ an extraordinary method of deliberately superimposing qualities and symbols to Brahma and then negating them. With these insights, Sankara explains the Upanishads, appealing to universal human experience and arguing with the philosophical schools present at his times. Sankaraʼs are the oldest surviving commentaries on the Upanishads. They form the basis of all subsequent interpretations and have influenced the way these texts are interpreted not only by Sankaraʼs opponents, but also by contemporary Indologists. In addition to the translatorʼs own notes, the translation brings parts of Sankaraʼs commentary on difficult passages. Thus it presents the Upanishads not only as documents of historical value, but also as philosophical texts in a broader sense.

Gáfrik, Róbert: Upanišady. Bratislava: VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV – Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, v. v. i., 2024. 496 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-2062-4. DOI 10.31577/2024/9788022420624


In recent years, French authors have become more interested in the representation of history, especially World War II and the Holocaust, through the subjective experience of characters. The narrativization is related to in­dividual and collective memory and raises questions about trauma, intergenerational memory, identity, forgetting and the manipulation of memories. The theme of the monograph corresponds to the current worldwide research on literary texts depicting the relationship between history and its representation through individual experience. The publication History, Memory, and Personal Narrative in Contemporary French Prose examines the nature of fic­tional and historical narratives of his­tory, considers the modalities of its thematization in terms of its rep­resentation as a per­sonal experience in the works of post-war authors (J. Semprun, G. Perec, A. Camus), as well as in terms of the trace or mediated experience in the works of contemporary authors (P. Modiano, L. Binet, N. Huston, S. Germain), focusing mainly on the fictional works of S. Germain. It also highlights the reader’s perspective in relation to the representation of history.

Rybárová, Silvia: Dejiny, pamäť a osobný príbeh v súčasnej francúzskej próze. Bratislava: VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV – Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, v. v. i., 2024. 467 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-2064-8. DOI 10.31577/2024/9788022420648

Contents and excerpt from the book HERE.

The dictionary of Slovak translators in the humanities and social sciences presents – through the portraits of almost one hundred translators and their selected bibliographies – a comprehensive overview of a substantial part of the book production of the most important works of philosophical, sociological, historical, literary, and artistic orientation, published and translated in Slovakia from the interwar period of the 20th century to the present day. It provides profiles of the personalities of Slovak socio-humanistic translation, defines their dominant focus, and also creates a unique history of the reception of this literature in Slovakia. Together with the introductory contextual articles, bibliography of translations, selection of secondary literature on individual entries, index of names, and other materials, it also allows for their reconstruction, thanks to the linking of individual entries and translators through the translated authors as well. Although the dictionary was published in Slovak, it also contains three introductory texts in English translation: Foreword (K. Bednárová – M. Kusá), Contexts of translation in the humanities and social sciences I: Mapping the field (K. Bednárová), Contexts of translation in the humanities and social sciences II: The publishing environment in the coordinates of the socio-cultural and political system (1918–1989) (M. Kusá).

Bednárová, Katarína – Kusá, Mária – Rybárová, Silvia: Slovník prekladateliek a prekladateľov: vedy o človeku a kultúre. Bratislava: VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV – Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, v. v. i., 2024. 464 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-2070-9 (print), ISBN 978-80-224-2077-8 (online). DOI 10.31577/2024/9788022420778
Licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0

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Goetheʼs epistolary novel The Sorrows of Young Werther, first published in 1774, has produced a global echo that rivals contemporary bestsellers. While in the German context, the book was always outshined by its famous author, patriotic writers in Italy and China saw their lives mirrored in Wertherʼs struggle, inspiring them to rewrite Goetheʼs novel in revolutionary terms. Meanwhile, French Roman-tics embraced Wertherʼs expressive language to explore the dark corners of their souls. The same happened in Japan, where modernists invoked the text to show that there lies beauty in death. In his book Lives and Deaths of Werther, Johannes Kaminski investigates how interpretations, translations, and literary adaptations of Goetheʼs novel have manipulated the text in ways that left deep marks on world literature.

Kaminski, Johannes: Lives and Deaths of Werther. Interpretation, Translation, and Adaptation in Europe and East Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. 272 pp. ISBN 978-0-19-726755-4.

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What is conversation? Is it just a free-flowing chat or can we perceive it as something more? How does conversation contribute to the refinement of the individual and what role does it play in the establishment and maintenance of civilized communities? To what extent is informal conversation genuinely free and what are its unwritten rules? How does the phenomenon of conversation relate to literature and other kinds of art? And why is it important to consider conversation from a historical perspective? Can we reconstruct the way informal conversations were held in earlier times when sound recording did not exist?

From the early modern period up to the end of the long 19th century, art and literature captured the plurality of voices and languages in the talks of countless convivial generations mostly in hints or in stylized ways. That does not mean, however, that this part of history is totally inaccessible to us. Adam Bžoch’s book Conversation and European Literature depicts in a vivid and dynamic way the relations between social norms and the artistically rendered reality of informal talking in different parts of Europe. In doing so, the author answers questions related to the ephemeral phenomenon of conversation and its cultural significance.

Adam Bžoch: Konverzácia a európska literatúra. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo Európa, s.r.o 2023. 424 pp. ISBN 978-80-8237-027-3.

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The monograph reveals to what extent the theoretical impulses of translations of theoretical works of Russian formalism were productive for the development of relevant terminology in the field of Russian and Slavic studies in Slovakia. It focuses on Bakoš’s scholarly activities with an emphasis on the translations of theoretical texts by representatives of the Russian formalist school, especially Viktor Shklovsky and Boris Ejchenbaum. Bakoš’s multifaceted reflection on the concepts of formalism moves on several levels: from the translation and reception of theoretical works into Slovak to the subsequent integration of the stimuli of formalism in the positions of methodological and terminological starting points of his own research on the literary avant-garde, structuralism and historical poetics.

Soňa Pašteková: Reflexia ruského formalizmu v diele Mikuláša Bakoša. First edition. Bratislava: VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV – Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, v. v. i., 2023. 126 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-2030-3. DOI 10.31577/2023.9788022420303

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The international interdisciplinary scientific conference Areas of Ecopoetics — organized as part of the Broadening of Poetics conference series — took place on 24th and 25th of October 2022, both in person and online. The event was realized on the basis of an international agreement to promote cooperation in scientific research between the Institute of World Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Polish Literature of the University of Warsaw. The event was organized by Ewa Szczęsna, Weronika Lipszyc and Anna Tenczyńska within the University of Warsaw and Bogumiła Suwara within the Institute of World Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Due to its international character, two individual panels were held simultaneously during both days of the conference. The aim of the conference was to explore ecopoetics as a tool providing insight into the relationship between humans and nature, or between humans and other living and non-living entities. That ecopoetics is an interdisciplinary concept used in different discourses — whether it be artistic, media or scientific — can ultimately be seen in the example of poetry highlighting the destructive impact of humans on the environment where the scope of ecopoetics largely exceeds human sciences, as in the case of bioethical questions that are often raised in the context of posthumanism.

Bogumiła Suwara (ed.): AREAS OF ECOPOETICS: A Collection of Abstracts from the International Conference The Broadening of Poetics 3. First edition. Bratislava: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, v. v. i., 2023. 41 pp. ISBN 978-80-88815-26-6.

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The violence and inhumanity of Russia’s war in Ukraine put a definitive end to the false feeling of security enjoyed by Europe since the Yugoslav wars. Thus, maintaining a friendly dialog with people around the world is now more important than ever to prevent further tragedies. Translation in all its forms is the key practice that can facilitate mutual understanding, which is vital if we are to hand down the planet to further generations in a habitable state. Among other disciplines, translation studies has been increasingly active in addressing the most complex problems of our planet. Since information flows are directly dependent on one’s location on the geopolitical map and are subject to market rules, many important studies conducted outside the main capital centres remain unknown in the international academic sphere despite the significant results and motivation of researchers. Thanks to scholars such as those who contributed to this volume, translation studies in Ukraine and the excellent research done at its universities both now and in the past have become more visible.

This volume is a collection of papers from the conference Translation Studies in Ukraine as an Integral Part of the European Context held in Bratislava on May 12–13, 2022, and is divided into five thematic parts: Thoughts and Reflections; On Historical Justice in Translation Studies; On Methodological Aspects of Translation; On Linguistic Aspects of Translation; On Trauma and Manipulation.

Martin Djovčoš – Ivana Hostová – Mária Kusá – Emília Perez (eds.): Translation Studies in Ukraine as an Integral Part of the European Context. Bratislava: VEDA, 2023. 190 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-2015-0. DOI 10.31577/2023.9788022420150

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The Hungarian-language collective monograph titled On Foreign Bookshelves: The Reception of Péter Esterházy in Translation is the outcome of a broad collaboration of Hungarologists worldwide, ranging from Britain and France across Central, Southern, and Eastern Europe to Japan and the USA. It analyzes the international reception of the prominent Hungarian writer Péter Esterházy (1950 – 2016), widely considered to be one of the most significant representatives of Central European postmodernism. The book focuses on specific aspects of literary transfer and issues of literary translation. The first part introduces the reader to the world of Esterházy’s writing and his thinking about literature. The second part is a collection of case studies about the reception of Esterházy’s literary works in German, English, French, Slovenian, Serbian, Romanian, Russian, Italian, Finnish, Japanese, Czech and Slovak. The third part provides an inside view into the practice of Esterházy’s translators. The book confirms the international status of an author whose works have travelled far beyond the boundaries of a minor language to reach global audiences.

Judit Görözdi – Magdolna Balogh (eds.): Külországi könyvespolcokon. Tanulmányok Esterházy Péter idegen nyelvű recepciójáról. Budapest: Reciti Kiadó, 2022. 388 pp. ISBN 978-615-6255-59-4 (print), ISBN 978-615-6255-60-0 (pdf).

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Over the last few decades, information and communication technologies have revealed the crisis of linguistic representation and profoundly affected not only the process of creating text and images, but also the processes of cultural, literary, and academic communication and, ultimately, the critical examination of literature. The first chapters of the monograph focus on the visualization of text as the first aspect of these phenomena, which is examined both in poetological contexts (ekphrasis, subversive ekphrasis), and in the juxtaposition of words and fragments of texts, which aligns with semiotic codes of the visual arts, on the one hand, and the new media art, on the other. The second aspect is the hybridization of text and image, presented in the article as a process of redefining photography: a move away from the understanding of photography as a trace of reality and towards its text-forming and narrative functions. The author demonstrates this process with examples from contemporary Polish and Slovak literature. At the same time, photography and its visual contents are understood as a technological and culturally determined paradigm, which provides concepts for interpreting hybrid literary works or new media works.

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Protagonists able to reflect on their own problematic experience through psychological optics resonate strongly in modernism, which in its more radical form in the interwar period, has become a kind of an alarming anthropological phenomenon recording the ongoing crisis of the subject in the 20th century. The introspective dimension of literary modernism is then reflected in various ways in which the states of the soul are portrayed in an alternative world of the protagonists – in their inner worlds as well as in their dreams. In the novels Muž s protézou (The Man with the Prosthesis; 1925) by Ján Hrušovský, Ztracený stín (The Lost Shadow; 1931) by Egon Hostovský, Dům o tisíci patrech (The House of a Thousand Storeys; 1929) by Jan Weiss and Pisár Gráč (Gráč the Scribe, 1940) by Jozef Cíger Hronský, the authors seem to express the consequences of the world the subject escapes. The distance from others and finally from oneself leads the protagonists into existential solitude. The connection between literary modernism and introspection is therefore based on the assumption that its symptoms (hidden features) are mental images that are subjective reactions to certain phenomena or are the result of their displacement. However, the result of such self-reflections in this case is not a romantic gesture of an individual rebelling against society. It transforms into the inner turmoil that the modern subjects experience through their ability of introspective reflection.

Zuzana Kopecká: Symptómy literárnej moderny v slovenskej a českej medzivojnovej próze. First edition. Bratislava: VEDA, vydavateľstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied, v. v. i., 2022. 223 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-1969-7. DOI 10.31577/2022.978-80-224-1969-7

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Contexts and Comparison in Literary Studies Mária Bátorová’s book Contexts and Comparison in Literary Studies (A Model of Interpretation of Alternative Art) develops theoretical and methodological approaches for analyzing the relatively under-explored area of alternative and dissident works in Slovakia, the wider Central European region and beyond in the 20th century. The author proposes an interdisciplinary research model – from the central hermeneutic analysis of a specific text through the authorial category to contexts. An analysis so built is anchored in literary studies and directed towards history, sociology, philosophy and other potential contexts. The interpretation of literary works based on this approach is conducted through analyses of a specific text examined in the context of its historical period as well as other contexts reconstructed on the basis of archival material. The research framework proposed in this book opens up new avenues for systematic anchoring of national literatures (e.g. Slovak literature) into broader coordinates of world literature.

Mária Bátorová: Kontexty a komparatistika v literárnej vede (Model interpretácie alternatívneho umenia) / Contexts and Comparison in Literary Studies (A Model of Interpretation of Alternative Art). 1. vyd. Bratislava: VEDA, vydavateľstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied, v. v. i., 2022. 262 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-1979-6. DOI 10.31577/2022.9788022419796

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The collective monograph Mikuláš Bakoš – a versatile literary scholar in today’s methodological discussion is the result of a scholarly colloquium organized by the Institute of World Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava and the Department of Slovak Language and Literature at Constantin the Philosopher University in Nitra. It reflects the intensively felt need for a new interpretation of the legacy of Mikuláš Bakoš (1914 – 1972), literary scholar, university teacher and the founder and first director of the Institute of World Literature and Languages, SAS. The studies by I. Pospíšil, J. Gbúr, S. Pašteková, O. Sládek, M. Návratil and D. Teplan testify that the work of Mikuláš Bakoš had a fundamental influence on Slovak literary studies and reception of world literatures and continues to have a theoretical potential for wider research of methodological and socio-historical issues in literary studies in Slovakia and beyond.

Soňa Pašteková – Dušan Teplan (eds.): Mikuláš Bakoš – pluralitný literárny vedec v metodologickej diskusii dneška. Bratislava, Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2022. 208 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-1959-8.

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dobrota_pucherova_feminism_2022This book re-reads the last 60 years of Anglophone African women’s writing from a transnational and trans-historical feminist perspective, rather than postcolonial, from which these texts have been traditionally interpreted. Such a comparative frame throws into relief patterns across time and space that make it possible to situate this writing as an integral part of women’s literary history.
Revisiting this literature in a comparative context with Western women writers since the 18th century, the author highlights how invocations of “tradition” have been used by patriarchy everywhere to subjugate women, the similarities between women’s struggles worldwide, and the feminist imagination it produced. The author argues that in the 21st century, African feminism has undergone a major epistemic shift: from a culturally exclusive to a relational feminism that conceptualizes African femininity through the risky opening of oneself to otherness, transculturation, and translation. Like Western feminists in the 1960s, contemporary African women writers are turning their attention to the female body as the prime site of women’s oppression and freedom, reframing feminism as a demand for universal human rights and actively shaping global discourses on gender, modernity, and democracy.
The book will be of interest to students and researchers of African literature, but also feminist literary scholars and comparatists more generally.

Dobrota Pucherová: Feminism and Modernity in Anglophone African Women’s Writing. A 21st-Century Global Context. London, Routledge, 2022. 256 pp. ISBN 9781032187273.

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obalka webThe history of the reception of Western literatures in Slovakia in the 19th century has been studied by a number of literary and cultural historians. The book by romanist Jana Truhlářová puts this history into an international frame to point out deeper intertextual relationships. It focuses on the complicated Slovak reception of three French writers of the second half of the 19th century, Gustave Flaubert (1821 – 1880), Émil Zola (1840 – 1902) and Guy de Maupassant (1850 – 1893), who had a key influence on European literature during the period of the formation of modern Slovak literature. As a result, their reception had a major impact on the future orientation of Slovak literature and literary criticism, even though none of the authors was fully understood at the time. The individual chapters are not ordered chronologically, but in the order of importance, starting from Émil Zola, whose name had the greatest resonance in Slovak criticism from the beginning and critical views of his work had the most significant consequences for local writing.

Jana Truhlářová: Dlhá cesta k porozumeniu (A Long Way to Understanding). Émile Zola, Gustave Flaubert, Guy de Maupassant v slovenskej literatúre a kritike. Bratislava: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV a Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2021. 296 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-1926-0.

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obalka versologicke studieThe history of the reception of Western literatures in Slovakia in the 19th century has been studied by a number of literary and cultural historians. The book by romanist Jana Truhlářová puts this history into an international frame to point out deeper intertextual relationships. It focuses on the complicated Slovak reception of three French writers of the second half of the 19th century, Gustave Flaubert (1821 – 1880), Émil Zola (1840 – 1902) and Guy de Maupassant (1850 – 1893), who had a key influence on European literature during the period of the formation of modern Slovak literature. As a result, their reception had a major impact on the future orientation of Slovak literature and literary criticism, even though none of the authors was fully understood at the time. The individual chapters are not ordered chronologically, but in the order of importance, starting from Émil Zola, whose name had the greatest resonance in Slovak criticism from the beginning and critical views of his work had the most significant consequences for local writing.

LADISLAV FRANEK: Verzologické štúdie. Bratislava: Anapress, Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2021. 258 pp. ISBN: 978-80-8210-002-3 (print). ISBN 978-80-8210-003-0 (online).
DOI 10.31577/2021.9788082100023

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franekIntegridad de la unión entre la literatura y la cultura. Bibliografía personal de Ladislav Franek is the second expanded edition of the personal bibliography of Ladislav Franek, published in Spanish, edited by Jaroslav Šoltýs. Originally compiled in the Slovak language by Magda Kučerková, it introduces the scholar as a specialist in Romance languages and literatures, a researcher in the Institute of World Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, a life-long university lecturer, a translator from French, Spanish and Portuguese literatures, and a translation critic.

JAROSLAV ŠOLTÝS (ed.): Integridad de la unión entre la literatura y la cultura. Bibliografía personal de Ladislav Franek. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional, 2020. 332 pp. ISBN 978-80-971962-9-5.

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batorovaThe publication Dominik Tatarka past and present: Paris 1939–2019 is the outcome of the conference organized by Diana Jamborová Lemay in 2019 for the PLIDAM research group of INALCO. It aims to acquaint the French public with the work of Dominik Tatarka, mainly through an introductory study and two extensive chapters excerpted from Mária Bátorová’s monograph Dominik Tatarka, the Slovak Don Quixote (2012, Eng. trans. 2016). The foreword to the book was written by Professor Xavier Galmiche of the Sorbonne. In addition, it features chapters by Paulína Šperková, Sabine Bollack, Mateusz Chmurski, and Tatiana Paholíková.

DIANA JAMBOROVÁ LEMAY – MÁRIA BÁTOROVÁ (eds.): Dominik Tatarka hier et aujourd’hui (Paris 1939 – 2019). Paris: Editions des archives contemporaines – INALCO – Coll. PLIDAM, 2021. 106 pp. ISBN 978-2-8130-0377-5.
DOI 10.17184/eac.9782813003775

Archivny vyskumArchival textual research in interdisciplinary contexts is a collection of articles about the nature archival sources and their use
in cultural and literary historical research. The aim of this book
is to reflect upon the experience of the older and younger generations of Slovak scholars with this type of research, to offer recommendations on how to conduct it, and to address the advantages and drawbacks of using archives as sources of historical information. It is the first study of its kind in Slovak which attempts to bridge the gap between actual experience with archival research and the theoretical and methodological issues this research entails.

EDITA GROMOVÁ – NATÁLIA RONDZIKOVÁ – IGOR TYŠŠ (eds.): Archívny výskum (textov) v interdisciplinárnych súvislostiach [Archival Research (of texts) in interdisciplinary context, Nitra: Katedra translatológie FF UKF v Nitre – Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2021. 149 pp. ISBN 978-80-558-1677-7.

obalka PaK 2020 na web

The corpus of what we might — for lack of a better term — call social sciences texts (texts about literature, culture, philosophy, sociology, literary theory, etc.), helped to form Slovak thinking on culture, literature, translation, and (inter)cultural dialogue. The seminar Translation of social sciences texts, which took place at the Institute of World literature SAS in December 2019, raised questions about the function of these texts in the Slovak cultural environment. The volume Translation of humanities texts and cultural dialogue features contributions presented at the seminar. The introductory study, Genesis of thinking on the translation of social sciences texts with regards to the Nitra school of translation (E. Gromová), examines the reflection of the mentioned text types through the prism of established and canonized Slovak translation theory where the term “translation of social sciences texts” originated. The studies Golden age of the social sciences translation in Slovakia (J. Truhlářová), Remarks on the theory and practice of translation of philosophical literature in Slovakia (K. Bednárová) and Translation of French “sciences sociales” texts in Slovak journals at the turn of the 21st century (L. Vajdová) explore primarily translations from French that in certain periods dominated Slovak reception. The studies bring new impulses to the discussion that is worth being reopen. Translations of social sciences texts are surveyed from different perspectives with a view of their unquestionable cultural historical impact and the requirement for fit-for-purpose theoretical approaches.

MÁRIA KUSÁ – NATÁLIA RONDZIKOVÁ (eds.): Preklad vo vedách o človeku a dialóg kultúr. Bratislava: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2020. 120 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-1873-7.

Anotacia Mikulas_MetaphernforschungThe edited volume considers the metaphor as a phenomenon that constantly accompanies and forms our orientation in space, communication and thinking. Our reality is generated by and exists in metaphors. This process can be analyzed from various perspectives of the human sciences, depending on which we can find different answers to the question of how the reality is constructed through communication. It is therefore meaningful to ask how metaphors (re)construct our thinking and behaving. The authors perceive the metaphor not primarily as a phenomenon of the language system, but rather as a unique interconnection between cognition and communication. This position is supported by the fact that the metaphor has been increasingly studied by using the instruments of cognitive studies and discourse-analysis. Taking inter-disciplinary approaches, the studies give unique answers to the question of how the metaphor operates in the field between cognition and communication and to what extent it takes part in what we can call a coherent and cohesive picture of the world.

ROMAN MIKULÁŠ (ed.): Metaphernforschung in interdisziplinären und interdiskursiven Perspektiven. Paderborn: Brill /mentis, 2020. 457 pp. ISBN 978-3-95743-190-5.

maria_batorova_komplexnost_tvorivostiThe collection The Complexity of Creativity has been published upon the occasion of the jubilee of the literary scholar, Germanist, Slavicist and writer Mária Bátorová, whose work it presents in its complexity across scholarly and creative genres. Besides her personal bibliography, it contains studies by Slovak and foreign scholars, creative contributions, essays, congratulations, pictures, and two interviews about her work at the University of Cologne, literary-theoretical approaches and creative efforts.

Renáta Bojničanová – Tamara Šimončíková Heribanová (eds.): Komplexnosť tvorivosti. Zborník príspevkov k jubileu Márie Bátorovej. Bratislava: Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV a Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2020.  544 pp.
ISBN 978-80-224-1837-9.

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Suwara Remediation rámček_strednýThe aim of the monograph is to present an application and practical development of the concept of remediation. Two decades after its original proposal by J.D. Bolter and R. Grusin, remediation remains one of the major tools of understanding new media. The authors of this book examine its subject from the perspective of Central and Eastern Europe. Examples are drawn from artistic and literary practices in Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, Slovakia and Slovenia. The theoretical frameworks solidify and extend the concept of remediation to new phenomena and areas of critical discourse, from biomedia and genetic transcoding to the remediation of textual media in the Catholic liturgy. As a result, the notion of medium, the nature of mediation and the essence of storytelling are redefined.

BOGUMILA SUWARA and MARIUSZ PISARSKI (eds.). Remediation: Crossing Discursive Boundaries. Central European Perspective. Berlin, Bratislava: Peter Lang and Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2019. 368 pp. ISBN 978-3-631-79504-0.

Personálna bibliografia Kataríny Bednárovej (obálka)The personal bibliography of Katarína Bednárová is the seventh edition of World Literature Studies Library series. The publication showcases the range and depth of knowledge of this erudite romanist, transtatologist, translator, editor, university lecturer and cultural historian. Her fields of interests are numerous – be it the translation and analysis of literary texts or acquainting the Slovak cultural sphere with French literature and French written literature or vice versa – introducing Slovak culture and its values to the francophone world.

MÁRIA KUSÁ (ed.): Rozmanitosť skúmania kultúrnych priestorov. Personálna bibliografia Kataríny Bednárovej. Bratislava: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2019. 85 pp. ISBN 978-80-88815-25-9.


The monograph History in Contemporary Hungarian Novels explores the destabilization of historical narratives in contemporary Hungarian historical novels. It analyzes the ways in which these novels deconstruct the genre, dismantle narrative frames, and supplement grand narratives with microhistories. The selected authors are the most significant representatives of Hungarian fiction: Péter Nádas, László Krasznahorkai, Péter Esterházy, Pál Závada, Zsuzsa Rakovszky, Judit Kováts, Éva Bánki et al.

JUDIT GÖRÖZDI: Dejiny v súčasných maďarských románoch. Bratislava: Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV, Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2019. 168 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-1774-7.

The personal bibliography of Milan Žitný displays the Žitný bibliowide scope of his activities as a Nordic and German studies scholar. They range from translations of literary and scholarly texts, through his work informing the Slovak public on foreign literatures and cultures, reflecting the Slovak reception of these literatures, and utilizing the latest findings in pedagogic practice. This volume, edited by M. Kusá, includes contributions from L. Franek, L. Šimon, A. Debnárová, R. Gáfrik, A. Fosse, and K. Stehlíková, as well as a bibliography compiled by V. Čejková.

MÁRIA KUSÁ (ed.): Nezameniteľný zmysel pre vecnosť. Personálna bibliografia Milana Žitného. Bratislava: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2019. 140 pp. ISBN 978-80-88815-24-2.

Maliti BelyjThe monograph Andrei Bely: The Wholeness of (in) Multiplicity presents the Russian symbolist poet, post-symbolist writer, ideologist, and theorist Andrei Bely. One of the founders of modern Russian versology, his works have been translated into Slovak and Czech since the 1960s and continue to enjoy critical attention. Bely entered the history of European literature as an original experimenter and innovator. The author of this book illuminates the phenomenon of Bely’s creative work both in its multiplicity and its wholeness, in the context of its wider European dimensions as well as its comparative intersections with Slovak culture.

EVA MALITI FRAŇOVÁ: Andrej Belyj/Celistvosť (v) mnohosti. Bratislava: Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV a Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2018. 240 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-1696-2.

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Franek biblioThe personal bibliography of Ladislav Franek is published as the third volume of the WLS Book Edition. Edited by Magda Kučerková, it presents the author as a literary scholar specializing in Romance literatures at the Institute of World Literature, life-long university pedagogue, literary translator from French, Spanish and Portuguese and a critic of literary translation. The introductory salutatory address was written by Katarína Bednárová; the interview with the honoree is by Magda Kučerková and Nataša Burcinová. The bibliography was edited by Veronika Čejková.

MAGDA KUČERKOVÁ (ed.): Celistvosť zväzku medzi literatúrou a kultúrou. Personálna bibliografia Ladislava Franeka. Bratislava: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2017. 69 pp. ISBN 978-80-88815-22-8.

Balogh_1The collected volume Neighbours on Display. The Reception of Slovak Literature in Hungary after 1990, edited by Magdolna Balogh, is published through the collaboration of the Institute of World Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute for Literary Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It explores issues of cultural transfer such as the cultural, cultural-diplomatic, and institutional context of literary reception, as well as selected phenomena of Slovak literature, the reception of Slovak authors and texts, and issues of literary translation.

BALOGH MAGDOLNA (ed.): Szomszédok a kirakatban. A szlovák irodalom recepciója Magyarországon 1990 után. Budapest – Pozsony: SZTA Világirodalmi Intézet, 2018. 151 pp. ISBN 978-615-5478-64-2.

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Vajdová biblio2The collection Unveiling Spaces, Places, Facts: A Festschrift and Personal Bibliography in Honor of Libuša Vajdová pays tribute to the wide-ranging work of the literary scholar, Romanian literature specialist and translator. In contextualizing her inspiring work in the fields of Romanian studies, comparative literature studies and translatology, it creates a manifold picture of Slovak literary studies over the last fifty years and its future direction.

JUDIT GÖRÖZDI – DOBROTA PUCHEROVÁ (eds.): Snímanie závojov z priestorov, miest a faktov. Zborník k jubileu a personálna bibliografia Libuše Vajdovej. Bratislava: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2018. 241 pp. ISBN 978-80-88815-23-5.

Zambor Stavebnosť básneIn this extensive collection of essays The constructedness of a poem, the university lecturer, literary scholar, poet and translator Ján Zambor offers in-depth reflections on the meaning of the poetry of outstanding Slovak poets (e. g., Hviezdoslav, Krasko, Válek, Stacho, Mihalkovič, Strážay, Buzássy, Andraščík, Prokešová), as well as the function of sound in Russian poetry and the specifics of translation. The index includes poetic terms. The substantial publication is intended for general readers interested in poetry and literary translation, as well as students of literature.

JÁN ZAMBOR: Stavebnosť básne. Bratislava: LIC, 2018. 365 pp. ISBN 978-80-811-9115-2.

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bzoch huizinga a humvedThe book A Man in History: Johan Huizinga and the Human Sciences offers an overview of the life and work of Johan Huizinga (1872–1945), considering its significance for the development of humanist thinking in the 20th century. Besides Huizinga’s best-known works the book also analyzes his other studies such as Men and Ideas, Dutch Civil­isation in the 17th Century, and America: A Dutch Historian’s Vision in the context of the discussions of the period. An individual chapter is dedicated to Huizinga’s influence on Slovak humanities after World War II.

ADAM BŽOCH: Človek v dejinách. Johan Huizinga a humanitné vedy. Bratislava: Európa, 2018. 256 pp. ISBN 978-80-896-6652-2.

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Vajdová DejinyThe History of Romanian Literature is the first book on the subject written and published in Slovakia. It presents the history of Romania in the context of European history and partly that of the Orient (the Ottoman Empire) and includes texts in Old Church Slavonic from the 14th and 15th century as well as Moldavian literature written in Romanian. It maps Romanian history starting from the Dacian Empire to present, with a focus
on art, and cultural and socio-political development.

LIBUŠA VAJDOVÁ – JANA PÁLENÍKOVÁ EVA KENDERESSY: Dejiny rumunskej literatúry, AnaPress, 2017. 492 pp. ISBN 978-80-891-3796-1.

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Gáfrik IndiaRóbert Gáfrik᾿s monograph Imagining India in Slovak literature explores the images of India in the works of writers of the Slovak national awakening (J. Hollý, J. Kollár, Ľ. Štúr) and several Slovak authors of the 20th and 21st centuries (J. Maliarik, J. Jesenský, H. Klačko, M. Ruppeldt, J. Litvák, J. Banáš and others). It focuses not only on imagining India in belles lettres, but also in popular literature and travel writing. It also pays special attention to the translation of Indian literature into Slovak.

RÓBERT GÁFRIK: Zobrazovanie Indie v slovenskej literatúre. Bratislava: Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2018. 140 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-1635-1.

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bibliografia Kusá obálkaThe Personal Bibliography of Mária Kusá is published as a new volume in the WLS Library series. Edited by Soňa Pašteková, it presents the author’s work in theory and history of literary translation at the Institute of World Literature, SAS, as well as a seasoned university educator and translator. The introductory texts were written by Libuša Vajdová (SAS), Edita Gromová (UKF, Nitra) and Anton Eliáš (UK, Bratislava). The bibliography was compiled by Veronika Čejková.

Inšpiratívnosť pomedzných pohľadov. Personálna bibliografia Márie Kusej. Bratislava: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2017. 121 pp. ISBN 978-80-888-1521-1.

Layout 1The Dictionary of Slovak Literary Translators of the 20th Century, L–Ž is the second part of a work that through the portraits of almost four hundred translators and their selected bibliographies brings an integral picture of the greater part of works of world literature translated and published in Slovakia in the 20th century. It informs not only about important figures of literary translation, but at the same time documents the key function played by literary translation in Slovak culture both in the past and present. Its complexity makes it a kind of history of Slovak reception of world literature.

OĽGA KOVAČIČOVÁ – MÁRIA KUSÁ (eds.): Slovník slovenských prekladateľov umeleckej literatúry 20. storočie, L – Ž. Bratislava: Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV, Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2017. 512 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-1617-7.

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Layout 1The monograph Russian Literature in Slovak Culture (1825–2015) is an extended version of the 1998 edition. It provides new and revised findings in the study of the history of translation of Russian literature in Slovakia. With a view to the specific character of the individual time periods, the authors have chosen diverse methodological approaches to reveal the various aspects of translating Russian/Soviet literature and at the same time illustrate the role of translation in Slovak culture and its impact on literary development.

MÁRIA KUSÁ (ed.): Ruská literatúra v slovenskej kultúre v rokoch 1825 – 2015. Bratislava: VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2017. 264 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-1556-9.

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Mikuláš Podoby literárnej vedyThe monograph Aspects of Literary Studies: Theories – Methods – Movements offers a systematic insight into the spectrum of literary methods and theories: it both synthetizes contemporary scholarly knowledge and simultaneously expands it via new findings. Its balanced representation of diverse linguistic/cultural themes situates the terms describing literary movements and concepts into an international context. The work presents, reviews and critically revises the models and methods of literary studies from the philosophical thinking on literature from the second half of the 19th century.

ROMAN MIKULÁŠ a kol.: Podoby literárnej vedy: Teórie – Metódy – Smery. Bratislava: VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV, Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2016. 349 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-1524-8.

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Vajdová Prístupy rámčekThe collective monograph Approaches, Methods and Modes of Writing (Romanian) Literary History, written as part of a SAS grant project in collaboration with literary historians from the Czech Republic and Romania, considers new approaches to writing national literary history. The book reflects paradigmatic shifts in historiography, observations of current literary trends, changes in the interpretation of key historical events, and especially the notion that literary history is constituted not only by creative but also historical, religious, scientific and philosophical writing.

Libuša Vajdová a kol.: Prístupy, metódy a spôsoby písania dejín (rumunskej) literatúry. Bratislava: AnaPress, 2017. 102 pp. ISBN 978-80-89137-90-9.

Bžoch Krótka historiaAdam Bžoch’s A Short History of Dutch Literature (published in Slovak in 2010) has been published in Polish translation. It serves as a compact overview and a practical source of information for the study of Dutch literature from its beginnings to the present day. The bibliography offers a basic overview of the author’s historical, literary-historical and cultural-historical sources, and refers to both synthetic and scholarly works.

ADAM BŽOCH: Krótka historia literatury niderlandzkiej. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2016. 118 s. ISBN 978-83-806-1282-2.

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Bžoch Pszichoanalízis a periférián„A pszichoanalízis Szlovákiában nem létezett” – olvasható a könyv elején, s Adam Bžoch munkája éppen erre a hiányra épül, hiszen e „nem létező” tárgy – szétszórtan, töredékesen, nyomokban mégiscsak fellelhető – kulturális lenyomatait kutatja fel.
Bár a pszichoanalízis önálló irányzatként valóban nem létezett, ennek ellenére számos területen felbukkant, többek közt inspirálta az avantgardistákat, de az ateista provokáció vagy a burzsoá áltudomány elrettentő példájaként is jelen volt.
A szerző gazdag történeti anyagon keresztül mutatja be, miért nem sikerült hosszú időn át befogadni Freud tanait, feltárja a klasszikus pszichoanalízissel szembeni ellenállás hátterét, a nemzeti és társadalmi fejlődés Közép-Európában másutt is jól ismert deformáltságát és zavarait, amely mögött végső soron a szlovák kultúra modernellenessége húzódott meg.

ADAM BŽOCH: Pszichoanalízis a periférián: pszichoanalízis története Szlovákiában. Budapest: Typotex Világirodalom, 2016. 264 s. ISBN 978-96-327-9910-0.

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Podoby ruského umeniaThe monograph Aspects of the Russian Arts of the 19th and 20th centuries. Key Developmental Stages of the Russian Arts of the 19th and 20th centuries and their Resonance in the European Cultural Space provides a synthetic overview of Russian artistic expression of the previous two centuries. The treatise reflects upon the evolution of Russian poetry, fiction, theatre, puppet theatre, music, painting, film, and the most important aesthetic-philosophical theories, their mutual interconnections and their relations to the broader European cultural context.

Podoby ruského umenia 19. a 20. storočia. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského, 2016. 308 s. ISBN 978-80-223-4038-0.

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devat zivotovThe book Nine Lives contains interviews with several major Slovak and one Czech translator of the older generation. The interviews offer a comprehensive picture of the translators’ private and professional biographies, views on various aspects of translating literary texts, and positions on questions of literary and public life, especially before 1989. The basic criteria of selection were indisputable achievements in the field of literary translation during the period in question, a willingness to speak about themselves and their work, and to be aged over seventy.



RADOSLAV PASSIA – GABRIELA MAGOVÁ (eds.): Deväť životov. Rozhovory o preklade a literárnom živote. Bratislava: Kalligram, 2015. 280 s. ISBN 978-80-810-1918-0.

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Mikuláš WegeThe publication Key Concepts and Applications of Cognitive Literary Studies, edited by Roman Mikuláš and Sophia Wege, offers a sketch on how literary researchers with different (meta)theoretical backgrounds treat fundamental concepts of cognitive literary studies. The authors elucidate the relevance and applications of the findings of cognitive science in literary research. To accomplish this, they focus on unveiling the principles of the dynamic interplay between text and cognitive processes, within a cultural-historical background.



ROMAN MIKULÁŠ – SOPHIA WEGE (eds.): Schlüsselkonzepte und Anwendungen der Kognitiven Literaturwissenschaft. Münster: Mentis, 2016. 262 s.
ISBN 978-38-978-5461-1.

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franek-obalka-tlac.qxdInterdisciplinarity in the Symbiosis of Literary Scholarship and Art II reflects the results of Slovak historical, theoretical, critical and literary-comparative heritage. The common denominator is a multifaceted approach to literature, enriched by confrontation with the work of key representatives of foreign art history research. The aim is to emphasize the specific contribution of Slovak conceptualizations that have for some time entered into literary-cultural dialogue with those of other nations. This is why this effort is valid and inspirational for the future, as well as for the current development and reevaluation of basic departure points.


LADISLAV FRANEK: Interdisciplinárnosť v symbióze literárnej vedy a umenia II. Nitra: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2016, 255 s. ISBN 978-80-558-1036-2 .

Gáfrik Kultur im TransferThe collective volume Kultur im Transfer: Komparatistik in der Slowakei provides a comprehensive view of contemporary comparative literary studies at the Institute of World Literature. The contributions are based on a series of lectures which the members of the Institute held at the Department of Comparative Literature of the University of Vienna in the summer semester of 2012. The topics range from the influence of Indian culture on German literature, to translation problems in the reception of foreign literatures, to conceptualization of literary communication, to the reception of the work of Franz Kafka in Czechoslovakia, to the postcolonial studies of African literature.


RÓBERT GÁFRIK – SANDRA VLASTA – STEPHAN-IMMANUEL TEICHGRÄBER (eds.): Kultur im Transfer. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition, 2016. 156 s. ISBN 978-36-530-3427-1.

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Bžoch biblioThe second volume of the Library of World Literature Studies contains the personal bibliography of Adam Bžoch. Compiled by V. Čejková on the occasion of his 50th birthday, it presents him as a literary scholar, Germanist, Nederlandist and translator of German and Dutch literature into Slovak. The bibliography is prefaced by commentaries on Bžoch’s diverse work by Wilken Engelbrecht (in the field of Dutch literature studies), Libuša Vajdová (in the field of Modernism) and Magdolna Balogh (in the field of the reception of psychoanalysis in Slovakia). According to L. Vajdová, all of Adam Bžoch’s diverse research interests demonstrate how “one line of thinking leaves its traces in another”.

Keď jedna myšlienková orientácia zanecháva stopy v druhej: Personálna bibliografia Adama Bžocha. Bratislava: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2016.
ISBN 978-80-888-1520-4.

Judit_obálkaThe collective volume Choices and necessities: Self-representation and social consciousness of Jewishness in Central Europe, edited by Magdolna Balogh, maps the phenomenon of Jewish literature written in national languages. It explores the historical circumstances of assimilation, literary-historical and identitarian contexts of writing and reception, and introduces individual authors in case studies. The volume comprises the proceedings of a conference organized in 2011 in Budapest as part of a bilateral project of the Institute of World Literature, Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute for Literary Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

BALOGH MAGDOLNA (ed.): Választások és kényszerek. Zsidó önkép és közösségtudat Kö. Budapest: Reciti, Irodalomtudományi Intézetének, 2015. 197 s. ISBN 978-615-5478-20-8.

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PaK5The publication Preklad a kultúra 5 (Translation and Culture 5) – with its widely conceived approach to the topic of translation as an element of a cultural space’s history – continues the tradition of the series, presenting 22 papers which focus on intercultural relations within literary as well as scientific and technical translation. The contributions are divided into four thematic fields, with marked presence of foreign submissions, which enrich Slovak translation studies by new impulses with the possibility of reciprocal confrontation.



EDITA GROMOVÁ – MÁRIA KUSÁ: Preklad a kultúra 5. Nitra – Bratislava: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2015. 270 s. ISBN 978-80-558-0876-5.

KU_konceptualizacii_rodu_v_mysleni_o_literature The monograph On Conceptualisation of Gender in Literary Studies by Jana Cviková outlines various aspects of the use of the analytical category of gender in literary studies, in the wider context of feminist theories and movements. It critically approaches diverse forms of feminist literary studies as “a radical shift” in literary research while describing also the situation in Slovakia and the Czech Republic after 1989. The possibilities of interdisciplinary application of gender in literary historiography are explored via particular analyses.



JANA CVIKOVÁ: Ku konceptualizácii rodu v myslení o literatúre. Bratislava: ASPEKT, Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2016. 272 s. ISBN 978-80-8151-026-7.

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gafrik-post-europeThe collective monograph Postcolonial Europe? Essays on Post-Communist Literatures and Cultures analyzes post-1989 Central and Eastern Europe through the paradigm of postcoloniality. Based on the assumption that both Western and Soviet imperialism emerged from European modernity, the book is a contribution to the development of a global postcolonial discourse based on a more extensive and nuanced geohistorical comparativism. Together the studies map the rich terrain of contemporary East- Central European creative writing and visual art.



DOBROTA PUCHEROVÁ – RÓBERT GÁFRIK (eds.): Postcolonial Europe? Essays on Post-communist Literatures and Cultures. Boston: Brill Rodopi Leiden, 2015. 405 s. ISBN 978-90-043-0384-3.

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slovnik-prekadatelovThe Dictionary of Slovak Literary Translators of the 20th Century, A–K is the first part of a work that through the portraits of almost four hundred translators and their selected bibliographies brings an integral picture of the greater part of works of world literature translated and published in Slovakia in the 20th century. It informs not only about important figures of literary translation, but at the same time documents the key function played by literary translation in Slovak culture both in the past and present. Its complexity makes it a kind of history of Slovak reception of world literature.


OĽGA KOVAČIČOVÁ MÁRIA KUSÁ: Slovník slovenských prekladateľov umeleckej literatúry 20. storočie, A – K. Bratislava: Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV, Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2015. 464 s. ISBN 978-80-224-1428-9.

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myslenie2_obálkaThinking on Translation in Slovakia brings the first comprehensive overview of the thinking of the key personalities of the Slovak translation school. Although their names are wellknown, their concepts are familiar only to a few. The authors decided to fill in this blank space in Slovak translation research and re-enter the discussion on the role of translation in the contemporary world.The monograph is the result of lectures held at the Institute of World Literature and is a continuation of the monograph Thinking on Translation (2007), which focused on translatology abroad.


LIBUŠA VAJDOVÁ a kol.: Myslenie o preklade na Slovensku. Bratislava: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, Kalligram, 2014. 168 s. ISBN 978-80-810-1868-8.

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bubnasova andersenThe monograph by Eva Bubnášová, H. Ch. Andersen and Slovakia, is a pioneering contribution to the research of literary translation and its reception in Slovakia. It is based on primary research into source materials including translations, reviews, scholarly articles, etc., and compares the reception of Andersen in other European cultural spaces. Describing the relationship between Slovak literature as the receiving environment and Andersen as the received author, it outlines the character of the Slovak reception process from its beginning in a diachronic overview.



EVA BUBNÁŠOVÁ: H. Ch. Andersen a Slovensko. Príspevok k dejinám umeleckého prekladu a jeho recepcie. Bratislava: Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2015. 278 s. ISBN 978-80-224-1438-8.

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The collective monograph is a contribution to the scientific discourse on the borders between literary theory, aesthetics, culturology, and media studies. With studies of Slovak, Czech, and Polish theorists, it calls attention to the problem of interfaces in electronic literature and (post)digital culture. The texts bring a new perspective on the trends in the evolution of art and literature, taking into account contemporary research methods and state-ofthe- art knowledge in the respective area.



BOGUMILA SUWARA (ed.): Staré a nové rozhrania (interfejsy) literatúry. Bratislava: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2014. 248 s. ISBN 978-80-896-0730-3.

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Winczer Skladanie minulost rámček_1The memoir of the prominent Slovak literary scholar, expert in Polish literature and comparatist Pavel Winzcer (1935–2014), which he managed to finalize in the last few months of his life and which he named Piecing together the past (evocations and sketches). He had intended for them to be published at the Institute of World Literature SAV on his eightieth birthday. Unfortunately, he did not live to see the day. This book is coming out as the first in the Library of World Literature Studies series. The volume has been edited by Adam Bžoch, the bibliography has been compiled by Veronika Čejková.


PAVOL WINCZER: Skladanie minulosti (evokácie a skice). Ed. Adam Bžoch. Bratislava: SAP Slovak Academic Press, Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2014. 168 s. ISBN 978-80-89607-27-3.


Dejiny umelec. prekladu








KATARÍNA BEDNÁROVÁ: Dejiny umeleckého prekladu na Slovensku I. : od sakrálneho k profánnemu. Bratislava: Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV, Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2013. 304 s. ISBN 978-82-224-1348-0.

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Ruská literatúra








ANTON ELIÁŠ (ed.). Ruská literatúra 18. – 21. storočia. Bratislava: Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV, Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského, 2013. 232 s. ISBN 978-80-224-1344-2.

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JANA TRUHLÁŘOVÁ (ed.): Jozef Felix (1913-1977) a cesta k modernej slovenskej romanistike. Bratislava : VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV, Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského, 2014. 290 s. ISBN 978-80-224-1346-6.

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Maliti Symb_nem








EVA MALITI: Der Symbolismus als Ansichtsprinzip. Wien: Verlag Holzhausen, 2014.  152 s.   ISBN 978-39-029-7618-5.

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Maliti Symbolizmus








EVA MALITI: Symbolizmus ako princíp videnia. Kapitoly z Ruskej literatúry a kultúry 20. storočia. Bratislava: VEDA, 2014. 144 s. ISBN 978-80-224-1343-5.

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winczer lvhlcitatela








PAVOL WINCZER: Literatúra v hľadaní čitateľa. Bratislava: VEDA, Slovenská akadémia vied, 2014. 192 s. ISBN 978-80-224-1330-5.

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Žitný Severské literatúry








MILAN ŽITNÝ: Severské literatúry v slovenskej kultúre. Bratislava: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2013. 247 s.  ISBN 978-80-896-0704-4.

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Preklad a kultúra4








EDITA GROMOVÁ A MÁRIA KUSÁ (eds.): Preklad a kultúra 4. Nitra : Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Filozofická fakulta ; Bratislava : Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2012. 397 s. ISBN 978-80-558-0143-8.









DOBROTA PUCHEROVÁ (ed.): Moving Spirit. The Legacy of Dambudzo Marechera. LIT Verlag, 2013. ISBN 978-36-439-0215-3.

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Pašteková Proces








SOŇA PAŠTEKOVÁ: Proces, kánon, recepcia. Historiografické, translatologické a interpretačné aspekty skúmania ruskej literatúry. Bratislava : Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, VEDA, 2013. 140 s. ISBN 978-80-224-1299-5.

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Bátorová Tatarka slovMária Bátorová’s monograph Dominik Tatarka: the Slovak Don Quixote (Freedom and Dreams) deals with the question of resistance to Soviet hegemony in central Europe after 1968, when Warsaw Pact troops invaded Czechoslovakia. In comparison with other central European literatures, the author presents the political and cultural situation in relation to the life and work of the Slovak dissident and writer Dominik Tatarka who was also of one of the Charter 77 signatories.



MÁRIA BÁTOROVÁ: Dominik Tatarka: slovenský Don Quijote (Sloboda a sny). Bratislava: VEDA, 2012. 304s. ISBN 978-80-224-1269-8.

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Gáfrik Od významu k emóciám








RÓBERT GÁFRIK: Od významu k emóciám. Úvaha o prínose sanskritskej literárnej teórie do diskurzu západnej literárnej vedy. Trnava : Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis, 2012. 115 s. ISBN 978-80-808-2527-0.

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Franek Interdisciplinárnosť








LADISLAV FRANEK: Interdisciplinárnosť v symbióze literárnej vedy a umenia. Bratislava: Veda, 2012. 206s. ISBN 978-80-224-1277-3.

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ADAM BŽOCH: Psychoanalyse in der Slowakei. Eine Geschichte zwischen Enthusiasmus und Widerstand. Psychosozial Verlag, Giessen 2013, 208 s. ISBN-13: 978-38-379-2109-0.

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Žitný Súradnice








MILAN ŽITNÝ: Súradnice severských literatúr. Konštituovanie severských literatúr, ich medziliterárne súvislosti a slovenská recepcia. Bratislava: SAP, Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2013. 247s. ISBN 978-80-896-0703-7.

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(Bátorová) Slovenská literárna moderna








MÁRIA BÁTOROVÁ: Slovenská literárna moderna v spektre svetovej moderny: Jozef Cíger Hronský. Martin : Matica slovenská, 2011. 280 s. ISBN 978-80-812-8012-2.

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ROMAN MIKULÁŠ, ANDREA MIKULÁŠOVÁ: Grundfragen der Literaturwissenschaft: Theorien, Methoden, Tendenzen. Teil I. Nümbrecht : Kirsch-Verlag, 2011. 226 s. Studies in Foreign Language Educartion, 4. ISBN 978-39-335-8677-3.

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Jankovič Legenda








JÁN JANKOVIČ: Legenda o grófovi Zrínskom I: Súvislosti. Bratislava: VEDA, 2011.
344 s. ISBN 978-80-224-1212-4.

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JÁN JANKOVIČ: Legenda o grófovi Zrínskom II: Chrestomatia. Bratislava: VEDA, 2010. 288 s. ISBN 978-80-224-1156-1.

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MAGDA KUČERKOVÁ: Magický realizmus Isabel Allendeovej: Bratislava : Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV : VEDA, Vydavateľstvo SAV, 2011. 184 s. 
ISBN 978-80-224-1211-7.

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JUDIT GÖRÖZDI (ed.): Priestory vnímania: O tvorbe Pétera Nádasa. Bratislava: Kalligram, Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2011. 119 s. ISBN 978-80-810-1482-6.

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zambor rus poe








JÁN ZAMBOR: Kniha ruskej poézie. Prešov: Vydavateľstvo Michala Vaška, 2011. 416 s. ISBN 978-80-7165-845-0.

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ADAM BŽOCH: Holandské portréty: štúdie, články a úvahy o severonizozemskej literatúre. Bratislava: Kalligram, 2010, 160 s. ISBN: 978-80-8101-399-7.

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New_Imagined_Communities_mThe present volume brings together a broad range of analyses focused on the process of identity-making in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Identity is defined primarily in sociocultural and literary terms, but a number of articles also emphasise the political implications of the changing definitions of East-European identity in the current globalised world. The work follows in the footsteps of the project sponsored by the ICLA, entitled History of The Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe: Junctures and Disjunctures in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Benjamins 2004–2010). This partial continuity is an advantage for the discussion undertaken in this volume, which can build on earlier analyses, taking them in new directions. The authors make a successful effort to build and justify theoretically and practically a cross-cultural regional history. Their essays place cultural phenomena in a broad sociocultural and political context, analysing issues of identity, politics of ethnicity, and cross-cultural interaction. The book fills an important gap in the treatment of East-Central literature and comparative study.

LIBUŠA VAJDOVÁ, RÓBERT GÁFRIK (Eds.): New Imagined Communities. Identity Making in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Bratislava: Kalligram a Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2010. 248 s. ISBN 978-80-810-1401-7.

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