Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Guest lecture: The Bright and Dark Sides of Translating Russian Literature in Soviet Ukraine

Lada Kolomiyets
(Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine; Visiting Professor at Dartmouth College, USA)

17 April 2024 (Wednesday) at 14:00 CET
Institute of World Literature SAS + online

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 899 5934 9119
Passcode: 549052

This lecture will depict the dramatic conflicts of Ukrainian-Russian coexistence in the so-called “common cultural space” from the early 1920s to the early 1950s, which unfolded in the field of translation. Translating from and through Russian, as a mediating language, from the mid-1930s to the mid-1950s, reminded the slow but increasingly deadly compression of a rabbit by a boa constrictor. When in the post-Stalin era, this suffocating grasp partly relaxed, an entire school of translation emerged inflected against Russification. Its chief theorists included well-known translators of Russian Continue reading Guest lecture: The Bright and Dark Sides of Translating Russian Literature in Soviet Ukraine

Guest lecture: Changing a Translation Method and Erasing Translation Theory in Ukraine in the 1930s

Oleksandr Kalnychenko
(Translation Studies of Mykola Lukash Translation Studies Department at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine)

17 April 2024 (Wednesday) at 15:00 CET
Institute of World Literature SAS + online

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 899 5934 9119
Passcode: 549052

The lecture will reveal the mechanism of state interference in translation matters during the Stalinism period. In the late 1920s – early 1930s, a significant number of Ukrainian scholars and literati shifted their professional interests to the field of translation. Collectively, they elaborated philologically accurate translation method (oriented towards the text to be translated). This approach (homologous translation) was theorized by Continue reading Guest lecture: Changing a Translation Method and Erasing Translation Theory in Ukraine in the 1930s

Job Offer: Researcher – Translation and Language Contact in Literature Project

Join an exciting 5-year IMPULZ research project entitled Translation and Cross-Lingual Stylistic Transfer: Towards a Theory of Language Contact in Literature (PI Eugenia Kelbert). This transdisciplinary project explores the dynamics of fields such as multilingualism, postcolonial literature, translation, influence, and international literary movements to analyse the stylistic and cognitive mechanisms of languages coming into contact in various literary contexts. It then builds on this research to consider ways in which it can help vulnerable groups and feed back into the literary process, including through the development of innovative digital humanities tools.

Location: Institute of World Literature, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia.
The successful candidates will be required to either relocate to Bratislava or commute on a regular basis.

How to Apply:
Submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a sample of relevant academic work to The cover letter should include a short statement on a potential case study (or case studies) you propose to pursue within the project. Please indicate whether you are applying for the full-time or part-time position, and whether you would be interested in being considered for both.

Deadline for Applications: 7th of January 2024.

Shortlisted candidates who submit their applications by the deadline will be invited to an interview (in person or online) in the following week. Late applications may continue to be accepted until the positions are filled.

Positions Available:
1 Full-Time Researcher
• 1 Part-Time Researcher (exact fraction subject to negotiation)
To enquire about these positions, please contact Eugenia Kelbert at

Anticipated Start Date: 1st February 2024.

Duration: 1 year, with the expectation to extend up to 5 years

Key Responsibilities: 
1. Conduct in-depth research on language contact phenomena in literature Continue reading Job Offer: Researcher – Translation and Language Contact in Literature Project

World Literature Studies 3/2023: World Literature and National Literature

ed. Péter Hajdu, Shenzhen University, China

From the perspectives of circulation or canonization, world literature does not exist in a single universal form, but in local, regional, areal, national, and sociocultural variations. National literature emerged as a meaningful term in the 19th century. Its relationship to world literature has been a topic of discussion for 200 years. The articles in this issue scrutinize the concepts of world and national literature from various theoretical approaches, such as investigating their interactions from viewpoints of power and gender. It also includes case studies from the Lusophone and Chinese contexts, showing how writers from the Renaissance to the Internet era have transcended national readerships and reached global ones. #openaccess #worldliteraturestudies 

Articles – Topic

National peculiarities in approaching the Classics: The case of Catullus with Hungarian modernism
Nation vs. world? Global imprints on Shakespeare and the orientation of world literature
World literature and national literatures in Portuguese
Gender as a mediation between world literature and national literature
Cross-culture, translation and post-aesthetics: Chinese online literature in/as world literature in the Internet era
The state’s role in “worlding” a popular national genre: The case of China and Liu Cixin
The end of world literature?

The full content of the issue with links to the individual texts can be found HERE.

Monograph prize for Dobrota Pucherová

Our colleague Dr. Dobrota Pucherová, D. Phil. has been awarded a prize by the Slovak Academy of Sciences for her monograph FEMINISM AND MODERNITY IN ANGLOPHONE AFRICAN WOMEN’S WRITING: A 21ST-CENTURY GLOBAL CONTEXT (Routledge, 2022). She accepted the prize at the prize ceremony  on Sept. 18, 2023 from the hands of Prof. RNDr. Pavol Šajgalík, DrSc., President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, and Prof. RNDr. Peter Samuely, DrSc., Vice-President for sience, research and innovations. Congratulations!

CfP World Literature Studies 4/2024 Fictional realities of eternal peace

Editor: Johannes D. Kaminski (The Institute of World Literature, Slovak Academy
of Sciences in Bratislava)

In the wake of Russia’s prolonged attack on Ukraine, this special issue of World Literature Studies reconsiders theoretical and literary ideas of how peace can be established in the long term. Provocatively, this also includes the question why a perennial state of peacefulness might not even be desirable.

While Eternal Peace represents an elusive but necessary goal in philosophy, speculative fiction evinces a striking ambivalence about its desirability. One the one hand, the climaxes of science-fiction narratives frequently coincide with a utopian promise. On the last page of Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars trilogy (1992–1996), for example, Ann describes her new habitat in glowing terms: “Nowhere on this world were people killing each other, nowhere were they desperate for shelter or food, nowhere were they scared for their kids.” Peace has come, finally. On the other hand, the joyful prospect of Eternal Peace stands at odds with the experiences of those unlucky protagonists who indeed inhabit a society that has already been harmonized. Especially in dystopian writing, the beneficiaries of Eternal Peace are bound to suffer from oppressive laws and homogenized lifestyles. Others simply feel bored beyond belief. The Controller in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) already knows: “Actual happiness always looks pretty squalid in comparison with the over-compensations for misery. And being contented has none of the glamour of a good fight against misfortune.”

 Languages of contribution: English, German

Please send your abstracts and short bio to and a copy to by 31 October 2023. (The submission of the full articles will be February – March 2024.)

Read more HERE.

CfP World Literature Studies 2/2024 Interdiscursive communication between literature and bioethics

Editors: Bogumiła Suwara (The Institute of World Literature, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava), Jana Tomašovičová (The Faculty of Arts, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava)

On the background of the concept of interdiscursive relations  and the concept of narrative bioethics, we are currently witnessing a gradual dissolution and opening of the boundaries between different scientific and artistic discourses. The topic of this monothematic issue is to explore these shifts through the example of interdisciplinary communication between literature and bioethics. The relationship between literature and bioethics has largely been reflected from the point of the traditional biomedical relationship between doctor and patient. In the present day, however, bioethics is an interdisciplinary field that actively engages with the studies of culture, art, and the humanities, but also with the natural sciences and biomedicine. In contrast to the common ethical issues in medicine, modern biomedical technologies reveal entirely new topics to literature, such as preimplantation genetic diagnostics, regenerative medicine, gene editing, or human enhancement, which are becoming increasingly recurring motifs in contemporary literature, film, and visual arts. They are also examples of the mutual opening of discourses and the emergence of a new interdisciplinary area, which includes narrative bioethics. The moral dilemmas emerging in the context of accelerated technological development affect not only the individual but also the society. These dilemmas need to be captured in their complexity, and that is why the approach of extending purely rational ethical discourse and logical argumentation to include humanistic perspectives and narrative aspects is proving to be particularly fruitful.

Please email your abstracts (maximum 3,600 characters) to the volume editors at, and a copy to
by 8 October 2023.

Read more HERE.

World Literature Studies 2/2023: The Many Faces of Resilience and Healing in Contemporary Narratives

ed. by Ana María Fraile-Marcos, Universidad de Salamanca

Resilience, the capacity to adapt to adversity and rebound, has become a ubiquitous and contested concept, yet approaches to it from the field of literary criticism are still scarce. This issue contributes to filling in this gap by probing current narratives, from which resilience emerges as a central multifaceted paradigm allowing to apprehend contemporary reality and subjectivity. The ten articles gathered here interrogate the global currency of notions of resilience, while mapping an aesthetics of critical resilience that opens new paths to knowledge, hope, and positive agency.

Resilience and healing in the slums of Manila: Merlinda Bobis’s The Solemn
Lantern Maker
Embodying the mother, disembodying the icon: Female resistance
in Colm Tóibín’s The Testament of Mary
Nurses, mothers, sisters: Relational resilience and healing vulnerability
in Emma Donoghue’s The Wonder and The Pull of the Stars
Subverting resilience in the psychiatric ward: Finding the good death
in Miriam Toews’s All My Puny Sorrows
From defeat to resilience: The human cockroach in world literature after Kafka
Socio-ecological resilience in Sharon Bala’s The Boat People
Resilience and ethics of care against racial capitalism in David Chariandy’s Brother
Words that matter: Yindyamarra, Wiradjuri resilience and the settler-colonial
project in Tara June Winch’s The Yield
Violence, relation and beauty in Toni Jensen’s “Women in the Fracklands”
Re-examining the “Hero’s Journey”: A critical reflection on literature selection
for affective bibliotherapy programs on resilience
Robert B. Pynsent’s contributions to the study of Slovak literature

The full content of the issue with links to the individual texts can be found HERE.

Kolektívne symboly ako obrazy sveta: na príklade „Jazdeckej sochy kráľa Svätopluka”

Hosťovská prednáška
Martin Golema

7. 6. 2023 (streda) o 13.00 hod.
Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, v. v. i., zasadacia
miestnosť + online

Prednáška sa v interdiskurznej perspektíve zameria na kreovanie významného kolektívneho symbolu, do ktorého postupne skondenzoval slovenský obraz Veľkej Moravy v 19. storočí, a to s výrazným prispením literárnych aktivít básnika J. Hollého a prozaika J. M. Hurbana. Teoretickým východiskom uvažovania bude najmä Jakobsonovo chápanie duality metaforických a metonymických aspektov reči, ktoré odkrýva žánrové rozdiely medzi eposom a románom. Pozornosť zameriame aj na to, ako skúmaný kolektívny symbol postupne „presiahol“ literatúru, ako sa ďalej dotváral a pretváral, kondenzoval do nových „miest pamäti“, stával sa súčasťou protichodných, žánrovo odlíšiteľných spoločenských interdiskurzov. Všimneme si tiež distribúciu, recepciu a ďalšie spracovanie symbolu v rámci historickej vedy a jeho nedávne politické využitie. Upozorníme na viaceré podobnosti v literárnom a vedeckom tematizovaní veľkomoravskej látky, ktoré ukazujú, že literáti a historici (i politici) sú pri rozprávaní o histórii postavení pred rovnaké žánrové dilemy: musia voliť medzi eposom a románom ako režimami reči. Upozorníme tiež na to, že epos i román ako „režimy reči“, ktoré uprednostňujú buď metaforu, alebo metonymiu, dodnes rôznymi spôsobmi dláždia cesty našim základným predstavám o národných dejinách. Záver prednášky vyústi do hypotézy, že pri premýšľaní o dejinách sa bez literárne konštruovaných, interdiskurzívne platných kolektív-nych symbolov, metafor či príbehov, teda bez „asistencie Múz“, jednoducho nedokážeme zaobísť. Môžeme však voliť medzi románom ako žánrovou perspektívou blízkou kritickým humanitným vedám a totemickým eposom.

Prednáška sa koná v rámci projektu VEGA 2/0111/20 Interdiskurzívne konštruovanie reality
v literatúre.

Link na pripojenie cez Zoom:
Meeting ID: 898 9854 5820
Passcode: 956922

Prof. PaedDr. Martin Golema, PhD. sa sústreďuje na problematiku staršej slovenskej literatúry v širších medziliterárnych a interdisciplinárnych súvislostiach, paralelne však sleduje a reflektuje aj dianie v metodológii literárnej vedy a v ďalších humanitných vedách.