Maďarská a slovenská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kultúrnom priestore 4. - Poetologické, filologické, recepčné otázky formovania textu | |
Hungarian and Slovak literatures in Central European cultural space 4.— Poetological, philological, reception questions of text formation | |
Program: | Inter-academic agreement |
Project leader: | Mgr. Görözdi Judit, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is a continuation of the current research themes. At the centre of this research has been communication between cultures, especially the questions of literary translation and translation reception. In the period 2019-2021 we want to focus on the specifics of text formation on the basis of poetological, philological and narrative approaches; also we would like to test the applicability of postcolonial theory in the context of these literatures. |
Duration: | 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2022 |
Konštruovanie národnej/kultúrnej identity v Strednej Európe. Postmoderný a postkoloniálny pohľad | |
Constructing National/Cultural Identities in Central Europe—Postmodern and Postcolonial Perspectives | |
Program: | International Visegrad Fund (IVF) |
Project leader: | Dr. Pucherová Dobrota, D.Phil., Privatdoz. |
Annotation: | The project explores the transformations in the construction of cultural, national and regional identities in Central and Eastern Europe after 1945. These identities were deformed as a result of totalitarian regimes and after 1989 we observe their reassessment/reconstruction in public discourse, as well as in literature. The project will consist of two conferences and preparation of the publication of the conference proceedings, which will be published after the project has ended. |
Project webpage: | |
Duration: | 4.2.2014 - 14.10.2014 |
Slovenská literatúra v medziliterárnych a transkultúrnych súvislostiach | |
Slovak literature in inter-literary and transcultural contexts | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Dr. Pucherová Dobrota, D.Phil., Privatdoz. |
Annotation: | The project proposes to consider selected works of Slovak literature through the lens of theories of world literature. Through such re-reading of selected works of the accepted Slovak canon, but also those that are not yet part of it, we will analyze how this kind of thinking contributes to the ideas of world literature, the canon, „minor“ and „major“ literatures, the relations between the local and global, the centre and periphery, the national and postnational; and whether it has a potential to alter the history of the development of Slovak literature in any way. Our investigations will be based on various criteria: textual elements, such as genetic relations or typological analogies (thematic, stylistic, generic, ideological, etc.); intertextual and transcultural phenomena (e.g., synchronicity); or extra-textual determinants (the reception of Slovak literature in translation), according to which it is possible to perceive certain works as part of wider inter-literary communities or indeed world literature. |
Duration: | 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026 |
Preklad ako súčasť dejín kultúrneho procesu III. Preklad a prekladanie – texty, osobnosti, inštitúcie v interdisciplinárnych a transdisciplinárnych vzťahoch | |
Translation as part of the cultural process history III. Translation and translating – texts, personalities, institutions in inter- and transdisciplinary relations | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc. |
Annotation: | The aims of this inter- and even transdisciplinary project reflect the current developments in translation studies and issues in world literature and comparative literature. Moreover, the project has been designed to connect these discourses to what is currently going on in other fields of the humanities (philosophy, cultural history, sociology, oral history, etc.) and natural sciences (human geography, inferential statistics, ecology, etc.). The aims of the projects are as follows: a) interpretation of significant translations in the Slovak cultural space (with the assessment of their canonical status); b) examination of culturally significant, yet less defining texts, i. e. educational, pragmatic or religious texts, which have not been thoroughly examined so far; c) examining the broad and still evolving field of audio(and/or)visual texts operating in the popular culture. Given the scope of the project’s aims and the research team’s expertise, it is only natural that the research will focus not only |
Duration: | 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2022 |
Spoločenská angažovanosť, identita a modernita v súčasnej africkej anglofónnej literatúre | |
Social engagement, identity and modernity in contemporary African Anglophone writing | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Dr. Pucherová Dobrota, D.Phil., Privatdoz. |
Annotation: | The project is a continuation of the previous, preparatory 2-year project titled Dissent and Resistance in Contemporary African Writing. It will contribute to the discussion on social resistance, engagement, and personal responsibility that has been at the fore-front of recent philosophical discourses on African modern identity. It concerns the issues of personal and communal responsibility vs oppression and victimhood, cultural authenticity vs interculturality, and political resistance vs complicity, all of which seem to point to the question of „African modernity“ in its philosophical and material meaning. In the socio-historical context where African societies have increasingly become dysfunctional due to lack of civil society, literature has been seen as an instrument of resistance, functioning as testimony, dissent, political protest, and philosophy. The project will analyze the ethical, aesthetic and political aspects of this literary imagination. |
Duration: | 1.1.2017 - 31.12.2020 |
Disent a odpor v súčasnej africkej literatúre | |
Dissent and resistance in contemporary African writing | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Dr. Pucherová Dobrota, D.Phil., Privatdoz. |
Annotation: | The project will analyze contemporary African writing in English in the context of social engagement. The object of study will be dissent and political resistance against the totalitarian power of the African postcolony in this literature and what kind of identities this literature offers in the atmosphere of fear and instability, which forces the citizens to adapt to permanent change by creating unstable, fragmented identities. The basic difference between anti-colonial and postcolonial engaged literature is the difference between the understanding of identity and subjectivity: while the anti-colonial narrative understands subjectivity in the spirit of social realism as firmly anchored and essential, the postcolonial narrative can no longer afford this kind of understanding of subjectivity, which changes also the understanding of resistance. The methodological approach will utilize impulses of psychoanalytical approaches to literature, postmodern cultural theory and theories of trauma narrative. |
Duration: | 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2016 |
Súčasná africká anglofónna exilová literatúra | |
Contemporary Anglophone African exile literature | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Dr. Pucherová Dobrota, D.Phil., Privatdoz. |
Annotation: | The project will contribute to the debate about the impact of globalization on African identities through analysis of recent African Anglophone exilic writing and the debate about the understanding of "African literature" and "literariness". Many sociological and economic analyses argue that although the historical development of postcolonial Africa has been marked by political and economic regression, Africa is finally entering the global community, as demonstrated by the rise of Chinese investment on the continent. The project aims to problematize this view. African exilic and diasporic literature published over the last 15 years opens nex viewpoints on Africa\'s position in the world. It suggests that the phenomenon of globalization is not based on the inclusion of all, but on the exclusion of some from the global community. In the view of African exilic/diasporic authors, Africans abroad are not welcome in their host countries and are denied cosmopolitan hybrid identities. |
Duration: | 1.1.2011 - 31.12.2013 |