Staff – Projects


ESIND - Európske reprezentácie Indie: texty, obrazy a stretnutia
Europe\'s Representations of India: Texts, Images, and Encounters
Program: COST
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Gáfrik Róbert, PhD.
Duration: 9.10.2024 - 8.10.2028
Konštruovanie národnej/kultúrnej identity v Strednej Európe. Postmoderný a postkoloniálny pohľad
Constructing National/Cultural Identities in Central Europe—Postmodern and Postcolonial Perspectives
Program: International Visegrad Fund (IVF)
Project leader: Dr. Pucherová Dobrota, D.Phil., Privatdoz.
Annotation: The project explores the transformations in the construction of cultural, national and regional identities in Central and Eastern Europe after 1945. These identities were deformed as a result of totalitarian regimes and after 1989 we observe their reassessment/reconstruction in public discourse, as well as in literature. The project will consist of two conferences and preparation of the publication of the conference proceedings, which will be published after the project has ended.
Project webpage:
Duration: 4.2.2014 - 14.10.2014


Hyperlexikón - Interaktívny hypertextový lexikón literárnej vedy s korpusom kľúčových literárnovedných textov
Interactive hypertext lexicon of literary studies with a corpus of key literary studies texts
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Mikuláš Roman, PhD.
Annotation: The main aim of the project is the creation of an interactive lexicon of literary studies terms in hypertext formattogether with a corpus of texts from the said field. The project follows up on the work on the electronic Hyperlexiconof Concepts and Categories in Literary Studies which was created in two VEGA research projects. The updatedand expanded Hyperlexicon will adopt new content-related and functional elements. In terms of function, the workwill be more interactive and open; in terms of content, the Hyperlexicon will now include important texts which intheir time helped spearhead new modes of thinking or even whole new paradigms. However, the hypertextuality ofthe lexicon will still be retained. The experts who will author the new entries will not only summarize the currentbody of knowledge but also conduct their own research and other related publication activities in accordance withthe aims of the project to provide even more up to date findings on the subject matter. We are convinced that sucha broad and synthesizing collaborative endeavor must be rooted in basic research. As of today, Slovak literaryscholars do not have access to a dictionary that would summarize the state of the art knowledge in the field in abroad manner and across individual philological specialization and would be fully available to them online.
Duration: 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025
Poetika hlavných upanišád
The Poetics of the Principal Upanishads
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Gáfrik Róbert, PhD.
Annotation: The Upanishads are some of the most important ancient Indian texts and the oldest philosophical works in human history. The attention of researchers is mainly focused on their philosophical content and textual criticism. The aim of the project is to analyze the main Upanishads from a poetological point of view and to explore how contemporary literary theories of ambiguity can contribute to understanding the diversity of their interpretations, ranging from monism to dualism. The main output of the project will be a commented Slovak translation of the Upanishads, which will be based on explicit knowledge of their poetics.
Duration: 1.1.2020 - 31.12.2023
Zobrazovanie Indie v slovenskej literatúre
Imagining India in Slovak Literature
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Gáfrik Róbert, PhD.
Annotation: India has played a significant role in the imagination of the Western civilization since antiquity. In the 18th century the British imperial activities in India brought closer contacts and new knowledge of Indian culture which also shows in European literature. Once can observe a reception of Indian culture in Slovakia already in the works of the leaders of Slovak national awakening such as J. Holly or J. Kollar, it shows in the works of modernist poets I. Krasko and V. Roy and in present in the works J. Litvak, R. Bielik, J. Banas and others. The aim of the project is to map the reception of India in Slovak literature, review it in the European context and to explore if and how the orientalist or some other discourse manifests in it.
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2017
Preklad ako súčasť dejín kultúrneho priestoru
Translation as a Part of the Cultural Space History
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária, CSc.
Annotation: The project Translation as a Part of the Cultural Space History represents continuous and systematic literary, cultural and historical research of translation in Slovakia that has been started several years ago. In broader European context, a definition of translation and its history as a part of history of particular cultural space was created no sooner than several years ago (France, Bulgaria, etc.). This project is exceptional mainly (due to the direct involvement of several foremost Slovak translatologists) for its ability to create a synergistic effect (cultural, literary and historical) and at the same time generalized theoretical thinking on translation which seems to be a crucial and necessary factor especially if translation is understood to be a part of history of Slovak cultural territory.
Duration: 1.1.2011 - 31.12.2014
Perspektívy prínosu sanskrtskej poetiky do diskurzu súčasnej západnej literárnej vedy.
Perspectives of Contribution of Sanskrit Poetics to the Discourse of Contemporary Western Literary Science
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Gáfrik Róbert, PhD.
Annotation: The Western literary science started by Plato\'s reflections in Republic and by Aristotle’s Poetics. Similarly, in India(2nd century BC?) Bharata by his Natyashastra laid the foundations of Indian literary science. From Bharata tothe 17th century, thought about literature was flourishing in Sanskrit tradition and many schools developed.However, Sanskrit literary theory is little known in the West and is often limited to indological circles, which see itto a great extent as a relict of the past. However, it is still flourishing, although in a modified form, in the study ofliteratures in modern Indian languages. The aim of the project is to explore the possibilities and areas in whichSanskrit poetics may enter into a dialog with Western literary science and enrich it by new solutions to knownproblems, by new concepts or problems.
Duration: 1.1.2008 - 31.12.2010